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Google Maps

This field creates a Google Maps where you can select a location. It requires a text field for address input, which has the autocomplete feature. The data for address autocomplete is gotten from Google Maps Geocode service.

You also can pick a location by clicking on the map or dragging and dropping the marker. When you do that, the coordinates are saved in the field value.



Besides the common settings, this field has the following specific settings, the keys are for use with code:

Google Maps API keyapi_keyGoogle Maps API key. Get here. Required.
Default locationstdDefault location of the map when loaded. Format '53.346881,-6.258860' (latitude, longitude). If missing, the field will show Dublin, Ireland.
Address fieldaddress_fieldThe ID of the address field. For multiple address fields, enter field IDs separated by commas. Required.
LanguagelanguageGoogle Maps language. See list of language code.
RegionregionThe region code, specified as a country code top-level domain. This parameter returns autocompleted address results influenced by the region (typically the country) from the address field. See here for more details.
Address field

You're required to create a text field for entering an address and pass its ID to the map's "Address field".

The address field can be also a list of text input fields' IDs, separated by commas. For example: street,city,state. In that case, there's no autocomplete for address. Instead of that, when you click the Find Address button (below the map), the field will search for the address combined with the values of those fields and set the location for the map.


Make sure you enabled the Geocoding API to make the autocomplete feature work!

This is a sample field settings array when creating this field with code:

// Address field.
'id' => 'my_address',
'name' => 'Address',
'type' => 'text',
// Map field.
'id' => 'map',
'name' => 'Location',
'type' => 'map',
'std' => '-6.233406,-35.049906,15',
'address_field' => 'my_address',
'api_key' => 'XXXXXXXXX',


This field saves the location in the following format latitude,longitude,zoom.

Template usage

Displaying maps

To display the Google Maps on the frontend, use the rwmb_the_value() function, but we need to add more parameters:

<h2>Google Maps</h2>
$args = [
'width' => '640px',
'height' => '480px',
'zoom' => 14,
'marker' => true,
'marker_icon' => 'https://url_to_icon.png',
'marker_title' => 'Click me',
'info_window' => '<h3>Title</h3><p>Content</p>.',
rwmb_the_value( 'my_field_id', $args );
widthMap width, default is 640px. Can be '%' or 'px'.
heightMap height, default is 480px. Can be '%' or 'px'.
zoomMap zoom, default is the value set in admin, and if it's omitted - 14.
markerDisplay marker? true (default) or false.
marker_iconURL to the marker icon. Optional.
marker_titleMarker title when hover.
info_windowContent for the info window displayed when click the marker. HTML allowed. This content will be passed to JavaScript, so it's better to avoid quotes.
js_optionsCustom JavaScript options for map. See here.

The code below shows how to use js_options for advanced control how the map is displayed:

$args = [
'width' => '640px',
'height' => '480px',
'js_options' => [
'mapTypeId' => 'HYBRID',
'zoomControl' => false,
rwmb_the_value( 'my_field_id', $args );

Getting field value

In case you don't want to display the map, but get the location's latitude and longitude, use the code below:

$location = rwmb_get_value( $field_id );
echo $location['latitude'];
echo $location['longitude'];
echo $location['zoom'];

Read more about rwmb_get_value().

Outputting a map in a group

If you have a map inside a group, then the helper functions above don't work. In that case, you can use a helper function in the plugin to show the map.

$args = [
'width' => '640px',
'height' => '480px',
'js_options' => [
'mapTypeId' => 'HYBRID',
'zoomControl' => false,
$group_values = rwmb_meta( 'group_id' );
$args = array(
'api_key' => 'your-API-key'
// If group is cloneable
foreach ( $group_values as $group_value ) {
echo RWMB_Map_Field::render_map( $group_value['map_id'], $args );

The helper function RWMB_Map_Field::render_map accepts 2 parameters:

$locationThe location of the map center / marker, in format latitude,longitude[,zoom] (zoom is optional). It's the same format as the map field value.
$argsAdditional parameters for the map. The same as for helper function rwmb_the_value above.



This filter allows developers to add more libraries or change the Google Maps URL. It accepts a single parameter - the URL of the Google Maps script and should return an URL.

For example, the code below adds "geometry" library to the Google Maps script:

add_filter( 'rwmb_google_maps_url', function ( $url ) {
return add_query_arg( 'libraries', 'geometry', $url );
} );