Support Meta Box Builder exclude some posts from post query Reply To: exclude some posts from post query


Hi Anh.

I have opened this topic because this way stopped working after some metabox updates i think.

My query args code is like this and this code generated with metabox builder extension:

'query_args' => array(
'post_parent' => 0,
'orderby' => 'menu_order',
'order' => 'ASC',
'post__not_in.0' => 3723,
'post__not_in.1' => 3724,
'post__not_in.2' => 3775,
'post__not_in.3' => 3776,
'post__not_in.4' => 4963,
'post__not_in.5' => 4855,
'post__not_in.6' => 4568,
'post__not_in.7' => 4570,
'post__not_in.8' => 4569,
'post__not_in.9' => 4567,

Do you have any idea about this ?
