Support Meta Box AIO Filter mb_aoi_extensions fails unless at least one item checked in "All-In-One" Reply To: Filter mb_aoi_extensions fails unless at least one item checked in "All-In-One"


I may be experiencing the same issue. Any extensions I select do not remain checked. I also have them set in a filter but they are still showing as unchecked:

add_filter( 'mb_aio_extensions', function( $extensions ) {
    $extensions = ['mb-admin-columns','mb-settings-page','mb-user-meta','meta-box-builder','meta-box-columns','meta-box-conditional-logic','meta-box-group','meta-box-show-hide','meta-box-tabs','meta-box-updater','mb-term-meta'];

    return $option;
} );

The same can be said for the Dashboard checkbox like Theodore mentioned.

I can tell the plugins are not activated because my tabs, groups, etc. are not displaying correctly. If I install one of the plugins separately (e.g. meta-box-tabs), my tabs show up correctly. This was working fine around 12/26.

Any help would be appreciated.