Support MB Custom Table Custom tables NOT BEING CREATED Reply To: Custom tables NOT BEING CREATED


Hi Anh - Regarding my issue with displaying fields on the front end, I realize now that that's where I should be starting, as MB Custom Tables issue is my own setup issue. This is my biggest issue. So, I've unflagged MB Tables on both custom field groups I was attempting to use them with (so we can disqualify that as contributing to this issue). I'll attempt that again after I first resolve this primary issue of fields not displaying.

So let me add this possibly important piece of info...the only custom fields that are properly showing up are fields that were previously created with Pods! That just dawned on me. All Pod plugins were deactivated at the time I purchased my license with you, and were deleted, however the posts that are properly outputting custom fields are only my old ones created with them. Only the new ones created with MB are having issues of displaying custom fields on the front end.

Here's a summary of examples:

Old custom post types created with Pods + old custom fields originally created with Pods = properly displaying on front end

Old custom post types created with Pods + new custom fields originally created with MB = not displaying on front end

New custom post types created with MB + old custom fields originally created with Pods = not displaying on front end

New custom post types created with MB + new custom fields originally created with Pods = not displaying on front end


