Support General meta-box in the "themes folder" language settings Reply To: meta-box in the "themes folder" language settings

Teia Local StudioTeia Local Studio

Hello, Ahn!

Sorry for bumping a old topic, but instead of opening a new one with same content, I thought it could be smart to write here.

I have the same problem when including it from a "plugins" folder INSIDE my theme.

To fix it, in CORE.PHP I need to change from:
load_plugin_textdomain( 'meta-box', false, plugin_basename( RWMB_DIR ) . '/languages/' );

load_textdomain( 'meta-box', plugin_basename( RWMB_DIR ) . '/languages/meta-box-'.get_locale().'.mo' );

So, every time I update the Meta Box plugin, I need to fix this again.
Any ideas?

Thanks, Ahn!


Whoooops... Just saw now this topic was posted on MB-USER-META.
I was referring to the root META-BOX plugin.