How to Create a Simple Listing - P3 - Using Meta Box and Breakdance

How to Create a Simple Listing - P3 - Using Meta Box and Breakdance

Next to the previous tutorial on the seriescreating a simple listing’ using Meta Box and page builders, we’re going to find out a new way to do it with Breakdance. We use custom fields and taxonomies created by Meta Box to display information about products on an archive page and filter them as well.

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How To Display The Latest Products P5 Using Meta Box And Bricks

How to Display The Latest Products - P5 - Using Meta Box and Bricks

Noticing your customers know about the latest posts or products on the homepage is a common way to increase revenue. There are various options to do it, but if you want to show not only the default information about the posts but also some further things from custom fields, let’s take a look at this tutorial. I’m going to display the latest restaurants on the homepage using Bricks.

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