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Meta Box


Modernizing JavaScript Code in WordPress

Modernizing JavaScript Code in WordPress

I’ve just had a nice experience improving and modernizing a large JavaScript codebase in a WordPress plugin. The original code was written in an old-fashioned way with jQuery in a single large file. Using modern EcmaScript and tools like Webpack, I was able to split it into modules and improve the code structure. The new code is much more readable and maintainable, and of course, fewer bugs. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how I did that.

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MB Views How To Display Relationships

MB Views: How To Display Relationships?

In the introduction video of MB Views, we showed you how to use the plugin to get post fields and custom fields to display on singular and archive pages. But MB Views is more powerful than that. It allows you to run almost all PHP code in the view. In this tutorial, we're going to use the plugin to display connected items from relationships, creating with the MB Relationships extension.

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Free resources for WordPress users during COVID-19

Free resources for WordPress users during COVID-19

The Coronavirus crisis (COVID-19) is spreading all over the world. It affects all of us and our businesses. Your company might switch to work from home, and your sales might decrease. In this hard time, many companies are showing their generosity. They offer their products and services for free or at huge discounts to help people to get through this time.

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Insert Google Maps To A Website Using Custom Fields

Insert Google Maps to a Website using Custom Fields

If you have an e-commerce website, you may want to provide your physical store address to help customers reach it more quickly and easily. So, you should insert a map to your website. It’ll be more attractive and more interactive than just writing an address in text.

Normally, there are 2 popular ways to add a map to show the locations: It’s embedding Google Maps scripts directly, and another way is using a plugin. However, they both do not work in the case that you are having a listing page site with a long list of different stores, and each one needs to have its own map. Then, the custom fields with Meta Box come handy in this way.

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How to Add Custom Fields to Yoast SEO Meta Tags

How to Add Custom Fields to Yoast SEO Meta Tags

Normally, when you use Yoast SEO on your site, there will be a section to fill in the title, and description that helps search engines index them easier. You can fill in static content or dynamic content in these sections. But in some cases, you may want to get content not only from those default fields but from custom fields. So, how to add content from custom fields created with Meta Box to Yoast SEO meta tags, just follow these practices.

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How to Create an FAQs Page Using Meta Box

How to Create an FAQs Page -P3- Using Meta Box

If you are wondering about what an FAQs page is, we will explain it very shortly for you. F.A.Q stands for Frequently Ask Question, so an FAQs page is a page that helps people quickly and directly address the most common questions about your product.  FAQs page is so integral because it not only solves the customer’s problem but also boosts the relationship between you and your users.

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