How To Create A Custom 404 Page In Wordpress P2 Using Meta Box And Bricks

How to Create a Custom 404 Page in WordPress - P2 - Using Meta Box and Bricks

Having a 404 page helps to increase the probability of keeping visitors on your site even when they do not find the content that they are looking for and also reduces the bounce rate. That's why we should have better content for it to keep them there. The easiest way to have the most accurate content is to change it based on customer insights.

So, let’s explore an interesting way to have a custom 404 page with flexible content using custom fields created with Meta Box and displaying them with Bricks.

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How to Display Opening Hours for Restaurants - P3 - Using Meta Box and Bricks

How to Display Opening Hours for Restaurants - P3 - Using Meta Box and Bricks

On a website for booking tables for several restaurants, we can show the daily opening hours for each one. It helps your customers be more proactive in managing schedules and bookings. It’s a piece of cake to add that information into a single page of each restaurant with the help of Meta Box and Bricks.

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How to Create Download and Preview Buttons - P4 - Using Meta Box and Kadence

How to Create Download and Preview Buttons - P4 - Using Meta Box and Kadence

Do you have a WordPress website to share knowledge, documentation, product information files, portfolios, etc.? It’s convenient to allow visitors to have two options: read the preview or download the PDF file. Therefore, creating download and preview buttons on an e-book page can be a useful topic for you. Today, let’s do it using Meta Box and Kadence.

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How to Create Reading Time to your WordPress Posts - Using MB Views

How to Create Reading Time to Your WordPress Posts - Using MB Views

Providing a number of reading time will help the visitor know in advance how much time it takes to finish reading the post. It might be a key feature to improve the user experience. Let’s find out how to have this reading time number in each article on your WordPress blog. We’ll use the MB Views from Meta Box.

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