Meta Box Lite
Meta Box

Case Study

Tutorials on using Meta Box and Meta Box extensions to build real websites and applications.

How to Add Custom Fields to Display Banners using Meta Box Plugin

How to Add Custom Fields to Display Banners using Meta Box Plugin

Are you getting stuck on placing a banner on all pages of the website as well as customizing the size, title, image, ... on the banner? Don’t worry, this can be done easily by creating a settings page on the back end, and then add some custom fields. Each custom field is a parameter to customize the banner. After that, just use a shortcode to display the banner on the page you want.

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Create an OTA Website Like with Meta Box Plugin - P3: Create Filters for Single Hotel Pages

Create an OTA Website Like with Meta Box Plugin - P3: Create Filters for Single Hotel Pages

In part 2 of the series “Create an OTA website like with Meta Box plugin”, we created filters that allow users to search for hotels on the Hotel archive page. Then, to help users find their desired rooms in each hotel conveniently, we need to filter vacancies in Hotel single pages.

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Create an OTA Website Like with Meta Box Plugin P2 Create Filters on the Archive Page

Create an OTA Website Like with Meta Box Plugin - P2: Create Filters on the Archive Page

In part 1 of the series “Create an OTA Website Like with Meta Box plugin”, we completed creating a page to introduce hotel rooms and creating custom fields to fill in the booking data. But an OTA website needs more than that: a filter hotel system to help users search for hotels that fit their requirements easily and quickly. So, this next part is about how to create filters on the Hotel archive page. Let’s find out!

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Create an OTA Website Like with Meta Box Plugin P1 Create a Page to Introduce Hotel Rooms

Create an OTA Website Like with Meta Box Plugin - P1: Create a Page to Introduce Hotel Rooms

Nowadays, having an OTA (Online Travel Agent) website is very popular with companies and agencies, especially ones that supply the hotel booking service. Some of the most popular websites in this field are and with professional hotel booking systems. If you want to build an OTA website just like them, follow our series “Create an OTA Website Like and”.

In the first article of this series, we’ll create a single page for each hotel and create custom fields to enter the hotel information, and then display them on the website.

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How to Build a Hotel Booking Website Using Meta Box - P4 - Booking Management Page

How to Build a Hotel Booking Website Using Meta Box - P4 - Booking Management Page

After the 3rd part of the series about how to build a hotel booking website using Meta Box, we had a basic system to create and book reservations for a small and medium hotel. However, I think that you still need a tool to collect all the booking details for easy management and scheduling.

That’s why in this 4th part, I will show you how to display all booking orders on one page so that you can view the booking schedule intuitively as well as easily check each information.

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How to Create an FAQs Page Using Meta Box

How to Create an FAQs Page -P3- Using Meta Box

If you are wondering about what an FAQs page is, we will explain it very shortly for you. F.A.Q stands for Frequently Ask Question, so an FAQs page is a page that helps people quickly and directly address the most common questions about your product.  FAQs page is so integral because it not only solves the customer’s problem but also boosts the relationship between you and your users.

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How to Build a Hotel Booking Website Using Meta Box - P2 - Booking Page in Backend

How to Build a Hotel Booking Website Using Meta Box - P2 - Booking Page in Backend

In the first post of this series, we created a page showing all the hotel room’s information. It normally has a button or several call-to-action areas to go to the booking page which allows your customers to make an order. However, ‘cause some businesses have strong direct channels, they want their sales to make booking orders for their customers as well. Along with that, to have you imagine how to create a booking page in the frontend later (which is in the 3rd post), I made this post to show you how to create one in the backend. That is for internal users only.

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