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Meta Box

Meta Box Updates: Release Meta Box 4.17.0

Update again! Today, we release a new version of Meta Box (Meta Box 4.17.0) with big improvements. We refactored the code of the plugin, changed the shortcode attributes, and fixed some important bugs.

Code refactoring

This is the main thing we must mention in this announcement.

We decided to restructure the code for easier maintenance. The code is now better, changed but the functions will not be changed. It simply helps us to shorten the time to maintain and fix bugs later.

You guys just use the plugin as before without any impact.

Shortcode attributes

Now, the meta_keypost_id have been replaced by others in the shortcode

shortcode  of Meta Box - a WordPress plugin for custom fields

We also added attribute to the rwmb_meta shortcode to get only one attribute from the value (such as URL of the image or term slug).

This shortcode is used to show the value in the post content or widget text without opening theme files and inserting PHP code.

With this change, you're now able to pull just the data you want. And that's very useful if you use a page builder plugin like Beaver Builder or Elementor.

We added these details into our documentation for the shortcode.

The range is available for slider field

As before, you only can choose an exact numeric value for the slider field.

slider field support by Meta Box - a WordPress plugin for custom fields

Now, we improved it to be able to choose a range. We think it will be useful for you and make it real with Meta Box 4.17.0.

slider field support by Meta Box - a WordPress plugin for custom fields

Love Bootstrap's input group?

If you love Bootstrap's input group, you will love this feature which we have been added to this Meta Box version.

prepend and append attributes are now available for inputs, as a kind of below:

prepend and append attributes for inputs in Meta Box - a WordPress plugin for custom fields


We also did not forget to fix something others at this time. We did these:

  • Fix empty date field with save_format causes error.
  • Fix the wrong position of the asterisk when the field is required and has label description.
  • Fix indirect modification of meta_box->$fields.
  • Fix required attribute not working for file, image fields.
  • Fix warning in the about page.
  • Fix box-sizing issue for settings page.

Do these make sense to you? Enjoy it!

2 thoughts on “Meta Box Updates: Release Meta Box 4.17.0

  1. Please provide a download link for previous versions to help people recover when your updates break the site functionality.

  2. In case you need that sometime in the future, you can always download any version of any active plugin in the repository by clicking on "Browse the code" and then tags and for the tag you want- click on the little cog icon. There you will see a zip archive download you can use to get all of the code from that version onto your local machine.
    It's not the same as downloading an install of the plugin, but you can get all of the files and FTP them up to the site or rezip them in a way that will work for the plugin uploader. It's not ideal, but it can get you out of a bind.

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