During the product development process, the Meta Box team realized that the dashboard could make you feel overwhelmed and difficult to get on board with.
To enhance your experience with Meta Box, we want to bring a clearer and more effective admin dashboard. And today, a brand-new Meta Box dashboard is ready to make your workflow more convenient with:
- Quickly find anything you need.
- Effortlessly start creating dynamic content.
- Instantly access helpful video tutorials.
Effortless Documentation Access
This is a completely new function on the admin dashboard. We’ve added a search bar in the header. Then, anytime you want to search for docs on anything, just type a keyword. A list of related docs will instantly appear in the suggestions.
Thanks to this search bar, finding help from the documentation will be easier and faster. You’ll be taken to the page you need accurately and instantly, saving you significant time and effort.
What’s New Insights
Right on this dashboard, you can see the latest articles, updates, and announcements from Meta Box by clicking on the What’s new button at the top-right of the screen. This ensures you’re always up-to-date with new features, improvements, and best practices.
The new dashboard provides buttons to jump right into creating objects for dynamic content, including custom post type, custom taxonomy, field group, and relationship (with Meta Box AIO, you’ll have buttons for creating a template and a settings page additionally).
All just with one click on the screen instead of creating them in the sub-menu separately. Even if this is the first time you work with Meta Box, we believe getting started will be a breeze for you.
Essential Video Tutorials
Below the quick actions, we’ve added some essential guides you might need while working with Meta Box. You can watch video tutorials or read detailed instructions with just one click.
While setting up or configuring Meta Box, you can watch tutorials or read instructions and apply them right away. This section will be useful, especially if you’re a beginner.
Last Words
From now on, the dashboard becomes your central hub for creating, editing, and accessing documentation - all in one place.
Whether you’re using Meta Box Lite or Meta Box AIO, we believe that the new dashboard will bring a seamless experience. Let’s update, enjoy and tell us your thoughts about it.
What if this Dashboard listed post types, custom taxonomies, field groups etc. below the quicklinks: that would be 🔥🔥🔥. Maybe list max. 5 with link to View All?
The interface makes it easier for me to stay updated. Thanks so much to your team