Mb Banner Search Content

How to Randomize Hero Image in WordPress - P1 - Using MB Views

How to Randomize Hero Image in WordPress - Using MB Views

Each site usually has only one hero image. Then, the visitors will see the same image as well as the same tagline and information on the hero section. It may be boring and can not showcase more than one prominent campaign. Having multiple hero sets with different content and displaying them randomly will make your website more interesting. Let’s do it with the help of MB Views from Meta Box.

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How to Create YouTube Video Timestamps Using MB Views

How to Create YouTube Video Timestamps on WordPress Website - P1 - Using MB Views

You might know the timestamps feature on YouTube, but how can you have it for videos on your site? Rather than waiting for a complete video to run from zero seconds to the point you are referring to, timestamps enable you to jump to any second of the video directly where a timestamp regulates. You can add timestamps as many as the parts you want to have fast access. Let’s create YouTube video timestamps using MB Views!

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How to Add Custom Fields for WooCommerce - P2 - Using MB Views

How to Add Custom Fields for WooCommerce - P2 - Using MB Views

WooCommerce is a popular platform for eCommerce in WordPress which provides numerous features and functions, but you still may need some things further that it does not provide, such as custom fields for extra information about products. That’s when custom fields created with Meta Box will come in handy. But how can we add those fields to the products which are in an online store built with WooCommerce?

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How to Create Relationships - P3 - Using MB Views

How to Create Relationships - P3 - Using MB Views

In the previous part of this series, we learned how to create relationships with several page builders. However, if you don’t want to use them, you still can create and display the relationship between two objects on your website with the help of MB Relationships and MB Views from Meta Box. In this practice, we’ll create a bi-directional relationship between Courses and Instructors post type and show them on the page.

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