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Configure Homepage Using Mb Views

Configure Homepage Using MB Views

Regularly updating the homepage brings fresh content and helps impress website visitors easier. However, it may take time and effort to change its content. You definitely can avoid it with the help of custom fields created with Meta Box and MB Views. Let’s say goodbye to the hassle of coding in theme's files!

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MB Views How To Display Relationships

MB Views: How To Display Relationships?

In the introduction video of MB Views, we showed you how to use the plugin to get post fields and custom fields to display on singular and archive pages. But MB Views is more powerful than that. It allows you to run almost all PHP code in the view. In this tutorial, we're going to use the plugin to display connected items from relationships, creating with the MB Relationships extension.

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Meta Box Updates: JSON File Auto-Sync, Render Blocks with Views

Meta Box Updates: JSON File Auto-Sync, Render Blocks with Views

A month ago, we released a feature to allow registering a block with a JSON file. You can manually add a JSON file, or use Meta Box Builder to create the block and it will automatically generate the JSON file for you. Today, we're happy to announce that you now can bi-directional sync between the Meta Box Builder and the JSON file to make sure the block settings are the same.

Along with that, we also provide another method to render blocks with MB Views. It will be easier and more convenient compared to creating a new separated template as usual, especially when you are familiar with the MB Views extension. The good part is that you can edit the view right in the Meta Box Builder's UI!

Now, let’s see them in details.

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How to Create Taxonomy Thumbnails & Featured Images - P2 - Using Meta Box and Oxygen

How to Create Taxonomy Thumbnails & Featured Images - P2 - Using Meta Box and Oxygen

Previously, we introduced to you how to create thumbnails and featured images for categories using Meta Box and Gutenberg. So in this tutorial, let’s find out how to do it with taxonomies. Basically, it’s quite similar to the method for categories. So if you don’t use any page builders, you can refer to our last post. Otherwise, try this way with Oxygen Builder in this article.

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