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How to Create Buttons with Dynamic Link using Custom Fields

How to Create Buttons with Dynamic Link using Custom Fields

Sometimes you may need a button that can show different links in different posts. That’s a button with a dynamic link. There are different ways to create it, one of them is using custom fields. Links will be saved into custom fields then pulled out and put into the button automatically. And, that’s where the Meta Box plugin comes in handy.

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How to Create Online Admission Form for School or University

How to Create Online Admission Form for School or University

Technology has been applied more and more popularly, even in education, and led to obvious changes in this special field. Notably, when the Covid-19 pandemic broke out and caused serious impacts on our lives, education institutions mostly started online teaching classes. As a result, school admission also can be done online. Students do not need to go to schools to hand in their profiles anymore. They can stay at home, and fill in their online admission forms. This can save expenses for traveling and delivery, as well as reduce risks of exposure. On the other hand, it helps the school office easily digitize the student’s data.

In this post, we are going to create an admission form for a university like that.

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How to create an auto-updated cheat sheet in wordpress

How to Create an Auto-Updated Cheat Sheet in WordPress

Have you ever had a regularly updated cheat sheet on a page or post, but you do not want to manually edit it anymore? I have edited my cheat sheets by hand for Black Friday event. I had to update deal lists several times per day, and that was a true nightmare.

Thus, I managed to find a more effective way to add an automatically updated cheat sheet. All I have to do is to create a submission form to input data, then the data will be automatically inserted into a table. This way can display data in a both stunning and convenient way. Let’s see how to do this!

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How to Send GET and POST Requests with JavaScript Fetch API

How to Send GET and POST Requests with JavaScript Fetch API

It's a common task for JavaScript developers to send GET and POST requests to retrieve or submit data. There are libraries like Axios that help you do that with beautiful syntax. However, you can achieve the same result with a very similar syntax with Fetch API, which is supported in all modern browsers.

In this post, we'll use the Fetch API to create get() and post() function with a beautiful syntax, much better than the default syntax provided in the Fetch API. We also improve the request performance with a simple caching and we'll take a look at how to use fetch requests with the WordPress REST API. Let's dive in!

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How to Create Download Buttons Using Custom Fields with Meta Box Plugin

How to Create Download Buttons in WordPress - Using Custom Fields

The Internet allows us to chat, exchange, search for news, share experiences, and download documents, gadgets, applications, etc. Besides saving documentation from websites, you can share your documents with users on the WordPress website. Creating a download button using custom fields is not a bad idea - it looks beautiful, professional, and not difficult to create at all.

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How to Add Custom Fields to Display Banners using Meta Box Plugin

How to Add Custom Fields to Display Banners using Meta Box Plugin

Are you getting stuck on placing a banner on all pages of the website as well as customizing the size, title, image, ... on the banner? Don’t worry, this can be done easily by creating a settings page on the back end, and then add some custom fields. Each custom field is a parameter to customize the banner. After that, just use a shortcode to display the banner on the page you want.

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How To Change The Rss Content Using Custom Fields

How to Change the RSS Content Using Custom Fields

As you know, RSS is an XML file to store all the data of articles on your website. It helps to keep track of the changes in the website content. If your products or posts have a lot of information added from custom fields, this information won't automatically be updated in the RSS feed. To include them into the RSS feed, you need to perform some operations.

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