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Modernizing JavaScript Code in WordPress

Modernizing JavaScript Code in WordPress

I’ve just had a nice experience improving and modernizing a large JavaScript codebase in a WordPress plugin. The original code was written in an old-fashioned way with jQuery in a single large file. Using modern EcmaScript and tools like Webpack, I was able to split it into modules and improve the code structure. The new code is much more readable and maintainable, and of course, fewer bugs. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how I did that.

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Insert Google Maps To A Website Using Custom Fields

Insert Google Maps to a Website using Custom Fields

If you have an e-commerce website, you may want to provide your physical store address to help customers reach it more quickly and easily. So, you should insert a map to your website. It’ll be more attractive and more interactive than just writing an address in text.

Normally, there are 2 popular ways to add a map to show the locations: It’s embedding Google Maps scripts directly, and another way is using a plugin. However, they both do not work in the case that you are having a listing page site with a long list of different stores, and each one needs to have its own map. Then, the custom fields with Meta Box come handy in this way.

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How to Create Dynamic Favicon in WordPress Using Meta Box

Create Dynamic Favicon in WordPress using Meta Box plugin

Do you recognize those tiny symbols that appear in your browser next to the website name? The favicon is that. The small icon helps to attract and create a memorable image of the brand in the user’s mind. It is typically 16 and 16 pixels in size and is kept in a file called favicon.io in the server's root folder. But, in some other cases, you may want to highlight your products or any page by setting other specific favicons for each of them. Then, using the Meta Box plugin along with editing the theme a little bit will help you get it.

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Meta Box Update: Clone Empty Start

Meta Box Update: Clone Empty Start

Based on feedback from users, we've just released a new feature for our cloneable fields. Previously, there were always visible inputs for you to enter data for cloneable fields. And when you want more instances, you need to click the “+ Add New” button.

From now on, you can decide to hide all inputs at first, and when you need to enter data, you’ll need to click the “+ Add New” button. This means that there may be no items, instead of at least one as before. This update is also a step forward in the UX/UI of Meta Box.

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9+ Best WordPress Podcasts You Should Listen To

Instead of reading long articles about WordPress news, development, and business, you can listen to WordPress podcasts. The podcast is the audio version of your content. You get all the same information you would by reading the blog posts, except that it's delivered in a more convenient audio format. If you're a busy developer, designer, or entrepreneur, you can save a lot of time just by listening to podcasts instead of reading every article.

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