How To Show Featured Restaurants On Homepage P1 Meta Box + Elementor + Wp Grid Builder

How to Show Featured Restaurants on Homepage - P1 - Meta Box + Elementor + WP Grid Builder

Once again, we have a new tutorial for those who have a food online order website or something similar. This time, we’re going to display the a section for featured restaurants on the homepage using Meta Box, Elementor, and WP Grid Builder. We believe that this kind of showcase will help a lot in attracting your customers.

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How to Create Online Admission Form for School or University

How to Create Online Admission Form for School or University

Technology has been applied more and more popularly, even in education, and led to obvious changes in this special field. Notably, when the Covid-19 pandemic broke out and caused serious impacts on our lives, education institutions mostly started online teaching classes. As a result, school admission also can be done online. Students do not need to go to schools to hand in their profiles anymore. They can stay at home, and fill in their online admission forms. This can save expenses for traveling and delivery, as well as reduce risks of exposure. On the other hand, it helps the school office easily digitize the student’s data.

In this post, we are going to create an admission form for a university like that.

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Introducing Beaver Themer Conditional Logic Integration

Introducing Beaver Themer Conditional Logic Integration

Beaver Themer has an amazing feature called Conditional Logic which allows you to control the visibility of rows, columns and modules on the front end based on some conditions. For example, you can hide a row for hero area if a post doesn't have featured image. With the new version of Meta Box - Beaver Themer Integrator, you're now able to show or hide rows, columns or modules when a Meta Box's field has a specific value.

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