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Tutorials and guides about using Meta Box for the block editor (Gutenberg): the posibilities, solutions and the latest updates.

MB Blocks Update: Register Block Using block.json File

MB Blocks Update: Register Block Using block.json File

MB Blocks supports creating any block you desire without touching any JavaScript code, which might be problematic with PHP developers.

In addition to registering blocks with PHP or visually with MB Builder, you can also register blocks using a block.json file. This new feature is compatible with the latest version of the API from WordPress, as well as provides a new method to create blocks for developers.

Since the MB Blocks version 1.5.0 was released today, the block.json feature is available for not only the newly created blocks, but also the old ones that you created previously.

Let's take a look!

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How to Display Images from Cloneable Fields - P1 - with Gutenberg

How to Display Images from Cloneable Fields - P1 - with Gutenberg

Display images from cloneable fields is a common task for those who are building a website. For example, you may want to display a series of brand logos of typical clients or partners, even a testimonial section with an avatar along with the clients’ name and quote. In this series, we will take a ride to do it with a simple case study, brand logos.

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How to Display Opening Hours for Restaurants - P1 - Using Meta Box + Gutenberg

How to Display Opening Hours for Restaurants - P1 - Using Meta Box + Gutenberg

Each restaurant or business will have different opening hours. To have that information and display them for each on a website, there might be some techniques including using custom fields. We’re going to add an Opening Hours section into the single restaurant page in this tutorial as this example:

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How to Display Product Variations - P1 - Using Meta Box and Gutenberg

How to Display Product Variations - P1 - Using Meta Box and Gutenberg

In eCommerce, we usually see a product that has a bunch of different variations. For example, a T-shirt may have different colors along with different information such as size and price, then each one will be a variation.

Today, we are going to display them all in a clever way on the single product page. Whenever you click on a color button, all the corresponding information of that variation will be displayed, even in the image gallery.

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Display The Latest Products Section - P1 - Using Meta Box and Gutenberg

Display The Latest Products Section - P1 - Using Meta Box and Gutenberg

On the homepage or landing page of a business and eCommerce site, you can find that most of them have the Latest Products section. This is a really important part that every website owner wants. So, Meta Box decided to bring you a new tutorial series about How to display the Latest Products section in different ways. We believe that our series will help you have more choices and understand the differences between the tools and methods.

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Full Site Editing - P5: What Are Block Patterns in WordPress? How to Create Them?

Full Site Editing - P5: What Are Block Patterns in Gutenberg? How to Create Them?

After the 4 articles in the FSE series, we’ve received a lot of positive feedback from readers. In particular, many of them asked to have one more part about Gutenberg block patterns. So, we came up with a post that has everything you need about this feature, like what block patterns are, their applications, how to create one, and the good resources of block patterns. Let's spend 5 minutes reading now!

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Review Quadrat - a WordPress Block Theme

Review Quadrat - A WordPress Block Theme

Recently, Full Site Editing (FSE) has been constantly mentioned daily in many WordPress forums and communities. This feature is considered an outstanding transformation of the way we work with WordPress, including the transition from traditional themes to block themes.

Block Themes, also known as Block-Based Themes, are the themes that are designed to be compatible perfectly with Gutenberg blocks and full-site editing. There are a few block themes since Full Site Editing (FSE) is still currently under development. The present block themes are generally in a basic state, mainly serving the requirement to research and develop FSE's features.

Along with that, a completely new block theme, named Quadrat, has been developed recently by the Automattic team. This is a pretty complete block theme for blogs and podcast websites with an eye-catching look. Among the existing Gutenberg block themes, this theme is seen as one of the few having its own "personality".

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Gutenberg vs Page Builders - What is Better and Faster? In-depth Comparison

Gutenberg vs. Page Builders - What is Better & Faster? In-depth Comparison

You can build a website with WordPress without much coding skill, or even without touching any line of code. The reason lies in many wonderful tools which help you do it easily. The most popular tools, it’s no doubt to say, are Gutenberg and page builders. At the moment, they have their pros and cons, so it’s not easy to decide which one is the best and overwhelms the other.

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