How to Create Reading Time to your WordPress Posts - Using MB Views

How to Create Reading Time to Your WordPress Posts - Using MB Views

Providing a number of reading time will help the visitor know in advance how much time it takes to finish reading the post. It might be a key feature to improve the user experience. Let’s find out how to have this reading time number in each article on your WordPress blog. We’ll use the MB Views from Meta Box.

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How to Display a Video Playlist - P1- Using MB Views

How to Display a Video Playlist - Using MB Views

Using a video playlist allows you to display a collection of videos. You can use this type of content for websites of many fields such as education for courses, exercise for daily movements, music for songs in a category, etc.

The video playlist will keep your visitors engaged for longer, and they will find videos in the same playlist easily. Let’s figure out the way to display a video playlist with the help of MB Views from Meta Box.

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How to Create Dynamic Banners in WordPress - P3 - Using MB Views

How to Display Dynamic Banners in WordPress - P3 - Using MB Views

Displaying dynamic banners in multiple places on a website with the same content but varying in size and position may not be easy to design. If you are looking at how to create banners without using any page builder, we will share an easy and straightforward tip using MB Views that you can follow. Let’s dive in to explore the process of creating banners in detail.

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How To Display Author Bio P2 Using MB Views

How to Display Author Bio in WordPress - P2 - Using MB Views

An author bio is a great asset for any blog where you can display all information about the author behind each post. So, you should have a section for their bio to let readers know more about the author who made the fantastic contents. Moreover, it also helps build credibility with your readers and can strengthen your site’s authority. Let’s find out how to have them using MB Views from Meta Box.

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How to Create YouTube Video Timestamps Using MB Views

How to Create YouTube Video Timestamps on WordPress Website - P1 - Using MB Views

You might know the timestamps feature on YouTube, but how can you have it for videos on your site? Rather than waiting for a complete video to run from zero seconds to the point you are referring to, timestamps enable you to jump to any second of the video directly where a timestamp regulates. You can add timestamps as many as the parts you want to have fast access. Let’s create YouTube video timestamps using MB Views!

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