How to Create Taxonomy Thumbnails &Featured Images- P3- Using Meta Box and Bricks

How to Create Taxonomy Thumbnails & Featured Images - P3 - Using Meta Box and Bricks

In a portfolio page, you should use taxonomy and its description for your portfolio. As well as, taxonomy thumbnails will be a good way to make that page be more attractive. Let’s go through with us to find out how to have thumbnails for taxonomies and display them with Meta Box and Bricks.

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Meta Box - Divi Integration Walkthrough

Meta Box - Divi Integration Walkthrough

Meta Box is now officially integrated with Divi. We have been around for this integration between Meta Box and Divi for a long time. It took a lot of time and effort from us, but now we made it and have the very first version of the integration.

With the integration, you can get any type of data from any custom fields created with Meta Box, and display them in the right format on a page created with Divi. Even the data from cloneable fields or cloneable groups. Like this:

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How to Show the Featured Restaurants - P6 - Using Meta Box and Zion

How to Show the Featured Restaurants - P6 - Using Meta Box and Zion

Many E-commerce websites may want to display featured products to draw the attention of customers. We had a series showing the featured products for this. This post will show how to do it with a new combination: Meta Box and Zion.

In this case, I use the restaurants as an example of the products. This is the section I’ll create:

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