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How to Add Custom Fields to Products in WooCommerce - Using Meta Box and Bricks

How to Add Custom Fields to Products in WooCommerce - Using Meta Box and Bricks

WooCommerce is a popular platform for eCommerce in WordPress which provides some information saved in the product data section. But, you still may need some things further that it does not provide, such as custom fields for extra information about products. Let’s dive in to explore how to display them with Meta Box and Bricks.

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How To Create Dynamic Landing Page In Wordpress P2 Using Meta Box And Bricks

How to Create Dynamic Landing Page in WordPress - P2 - Using Meta Box and Bricks

If you're struggling and spending too much time creating landing pages for multiple marketing campaigns, even when they have the same content structure, check out this article right away!

We have a comprehensive solution for these cases, named 'dynamic landing page'. All you need to do is create a sample page with content stored in custom fields, and have a template for it with a perfect interface. Then, when having a new campaign, just duplicate the page and change the content in custom fields. You’ll have a new landing page with new messages without touching the template anymore.

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How to Create Dynamic Landing Page in WordPress - P1 - Using Meta Box and Elementor

How to Create Dynamic Landing Page in WordPress - P1 - Using Meta Box and Elementor

Did you spend a lot of time and effort creating landing pages for multiple marketing campaigns by adding one by one image or text to the page template, even when they have the same structure of content?

We bring a comprehensive solution for these cases, named 'dynamic landing page'. Just build a page as a sample with content saved in custom fields, have a template for it with a perfect interface. Then, when having a new campaign, just duplicate the page, and change the content from the fields. You’ll have a new landing page with new messages without touching the template anymore.

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How to Create an FAQs Page - P1 - Using Meta Box and Elementor

How to Create an FAQs Page - P1 - Using Meta Box and Elementor

Having an FAQs page on your site will help the visitors to find the information they want easily. This also leads to a higher SEO ranking owing to the better user experience. There is an easy way to add questions and answers using custom fields. So, in this practice, we’re going to add FAQs to a page using Meta Box. And, we’ll use Elementor to build the page.

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Top Resources to Learn About WordPress Block Theme for Developers

Top Resources to Learn About WordPress Block Theme for Developers

As we mentioned in the article about Full Site Editing and others in this series before, block themes (or block-based themes) and the Full Site Editing (FSE) feature are changing the way we build WordPress sites. In each WordPress version, the block editor is updated with new features until it’s completely integrated with the core. So users, developers, and theme makers surely need to prepare themselves and keep updated every day for this revolution. That’s why finding resources to learn about block themes is important.

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Top Plugins for Gutenberg in 2021 - the most comprehensive review

Top 7 Plugins to Add Extra Blocks for Gutenberg [2021]

As you may all know, Gutenberg is now not just a WordPress editor. Recently, WordPress has the ambition of making Gutenberg also a page builder, a useful tool to build up a WordPress website. Following this tendency, web developers have created numerous plugins, added many blocks, layouts, settings,... to satisfy the demands of developers and website owners. Using these plugins along with themes made for Gutenberg will definitely help users and developers create websites, landing pages, or any page as well as publish posts at ease.

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Top Free Hosting For Developers: Pros and Cons

Top Free Hosting For Developers: Pros and Cons

With the rapid development of the Internet, hosting services have mushroomed and the competition among them is fiercer! Users tend to buy hosting that is affordable, has good security, high speed, good service, and so on. As for developers, guys, even girls working with computers year-round, what kind of hosting is really suitable for them, and whether regular hosting has good support for developers?

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