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Meta Box


Find out the way to get data and build the website using Meta Box and Oxygen Builder in real cases.

How To Create A Product Page P2 Meta Box + Oxygen

How to Create a Product Page - P2 - Using Meta Box and Oxygen

For an e-commerce website, a product page is considered the most essential page. If this page is full of information and beautifully presented, it'll attract many customers and direct them to purchase quickly.

Technically, there are many ways to build a product page. We’ve had a tutorial on doing it with Meta Box only. In this post and the next one of this series, we’ll dig in how to do it with page builders.

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How to Create Taxonomy Thumbnails & Featured Images - P2 - Using Meta Box and Oxygen

How to Create Taxonomy Thumbnails & Featured Images - P2 - Using Meta Box and Oxygen

Previously, we introduced to you how to create thumbnails and featured images for categories using Meta Box and Gutenberg. So in this tutorial, let’s find out how to do it with taxonomies. Basically, it’s quite similar to the method for categories. So if you don’t use any page builders, you can refer to our last post. Otherwise, try this way with Oxygen Builder in this article.

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Gutenberg vs Page Builders - What is Better and Faster? In-depth Comparison

Gutenberg vs. Page Builders - What is Better & Faster? In-depth Comparison

You can build a website with WordPress without much coding skill, or even without touching any line of code. The reason lies in many wonderful tools which help you do it easily. The most popular tools, it’s no doubt to say, are Gutenberg and page builders. At the moment, they have their pros and cons, so it’s not easy to decide which one is the best and overwhelms the other.

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How to Create Buttons with Dynamic Link using Custom Fields

How to Create Buttons with Dynamic Link using Custom Fields

Sometimes you may need a button that can show different links in different posts. That’s a button with a dynamic link. There are different ways to create it, one of them is using custom fields. Links will be saved into custom fields then pulled out and put into the button automatically. And, that’s where the Meta Box plugin comes in handy.

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