How to Display a Video Playlist - P1- Using MB Views

How to Display a Video Playlist - Using MB Views

Using a video playlist allows you to display a collection of videos. You can use this type of content for websites of many fields such as education for courses, exercise for daily movements, music for songs in a category, etc.

The video playlist will keep your visitors engaged for longer, and they will find videos in the same playlist easily. Let’s figure out the way to display a video playlist with the help of MB Views from Meta Box.

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How to Create YouTube Video Timestamps Using MB Views

How to Create YouTube Video Timestamps on WordPress Website - P1 - Using MB Views

You might know the timestamps feature on YouTube, but how can you have it for videos on your site? Rather than waiting for a complete video to run from zero seconds to the point you are referring to, timestamps enable you to jump to any second of the video directly where a timestamp regulates. You can add timestamps as many as the parts you want to have fast access. Let’s create YouTube video timestamps using MB Views!

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