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How to Add Custom Fields to Products in WooCommerce - Using Meta Box and Bricks

WooCommerce is a popular platform for eCommerce in WordPress which provides some information saved in the product data section. But, you still may need some things further that it does not provide, such as custom fields for extra information about products. Let’s dive in to explore how to display them with Meta Box and Bricks.

This is an example of a single page for products in WooCommerce that we will create in this practice.

An example about a single page for products in WooCommerce

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Before Getting Started

Besides some information saved in the product data section that WooCommerce provides, we will add some extra information saved in custom fields created with Meta Box to the page as well.

Information saved in WooCommerce and custom fields

In this practice, we absolutely need WooCommerce to have some features for your products and shop.

For custom fields, we need the Meta Box core plugin to have a framework to create them. You can download it directly from

We also need some Meta Box extensions to have some advanced features:

  • MB Builder: to have a UI on the back end to create custom fields easily;
  • MB Group: to group the fields together for better structure. It is optional.

You can install these extensions individually or just use Meta Box AIO.

Finally, remember to enable the Bricks that help to build the page.

Create Custom Fields

Although WooCommerce provides some fields from basic to advanced to input the product information. You may want to have some other information for products in some cases. Then, custom fields will come handy.

These are the fields that I’ll create for example. They are just some basic fields for typical information.

These are the fields created for extra information

Go to Meta Box > Custom Fields to create the fields.

Go to Meta Box > Custom Fields to create the fields

Meta Box has more than 50 field types that can meet almost any type of data you expect to input.

For the basic information, we use the Text field.

This is Text fields for basic information

I’ll create some fields that allow the user to choose one from the provided list in the Select type.

Some fields that allow the user to choose one from the provided list in the Select type

There is a choice box to add options in the Select field type.

A choice box to add options

After having all the fields, move to the Settings tab, choose Location as Post type, and select Product to apply these fields to it.

Move to the Settings tab, choose Location as Post type, and select Product to apply these fields

Pay attention that the product post type is auto-generated by WooCommerce. It is not the post type created with Meta Box.

The product post type is auto-generated by WooCommerce

Now when editing a product, you will see the created fields.

These are the created fields

Just input some data.

Input some data in the created fields

You still can add product data in the Product data section provided by Woocommerce. It does not affect the data in the custom fields at all, and vice versa.

Some product data in the Product data section provided by Woocommerce

Create a Template for the Product Page

Go to Bricks to create a new template for the product page.

Go to Bricks and create a new template for the product page

Select the template type as Woocommerce Single Product. Then, edit the created template with Bricks.

Select the template type as Woocommerce Single Product

Go to the settings of this template, set a condition to assign to Product in the Post type.

Set a condition to assign to Product in the Post type

And, also set a preview for it in the Populate content section.

Set a preview for it in the Populate content section

Add a Section for covering all the page content.

Add a Section for covering all the page content

Display the Product Information in WooCommerce

Now, I’ll display some information saved in the product data section that WooCommerce provides.

Choose the two columns layout for the Container inside the section. Then, add one by one element to display all the product information.

Choose the two columns layout for the Container inside the section

At the top of the page content area, select Breadcrumbs element to generate the corresponding breadcrumbs for each single product page.

Select Breadcrumbs element to generate the corresponding breadcrumbs

Bricks provides some elements that are specific for Woocommerce, so you can easily display the product information just by choosing the corresponding elements.

Bricks provides some elements that are specific for Woocommerce

Add the Product gallery element to display all the images from the Product gallery field provided by WooCommerce.

Add the Product gallery element to display all the images

For some information about products, add the Product title element then add the Product price. It’s also from a field provided by Woo.

For some information about products, add the Product title element then add the Product price

I’ll choose the Product Meta element and then select Product short description to describe the product.

Choose the Product Meta element and then select Product short description to describe the product

A product page also should have the Add to cart button and Bricks also provides a dedicated element to have this button for Woo.

Choose Add to cart button for a product page

Moreover, Bricks also has a dedicated element for a popular section that displays the tabs of product details, review, comment, and so on.

Bricks also has a dedicated element for a popular section

Add Heading element for the related products.

Add Heading element for the related products

And select Related Products to show it.

Select Related Products for showing

Display the Product Information in Custom Fields

Now, for other information saved in custom fields created with Meta Box, instead of using the elements that are for Woo only, we should choose the normal element, then use the dynamic data feature.

All the data that is saved in the fields is a kind of a list of characteristics about the product, so choose the List element to display them.

Choose the List element to display kind of a list of characteristics about the product

I’ll open the Items section and there will be a list of items.

Just set the name of the item.

Set the name of the item

Then set the Meta for the item using dynamic data.

Set the Meta for the item using dynamic data

I’ll set an icon for the item like this.

Set an icon for the item

Do the same with some kind of information that we have in the fields. Just duplicate the first item for saving time and change the title, the field in the Meta setting as well.

This is all information saved in custom fields.

This is all information saved in custom fields

This is all the information about the product that I expect to display on the single page but without styling.

All the information about the product displayed without styling

Style the Product Page

To have a better look for the product page, you should go back to the page editor with Bricks. Then, choose each element, both the element dedicated for Woo or the one for custom fields created with Meta Box, just change the settings to style them.

Now, you will see the page has turned to a new look.

This is a new look of the page

Last Words

We have finished creating a single page for products in WooCommerce using Bricks and Meta Box.

If you want to add the products which are in an online store built with WooCommerce. You can follow this instruction for more detail.

Let’s try and share the result with us in the comments.

If you want to suggest any tutorials, feel free to leave a comment and keep track of our blog. Thanks for readin!

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