How to Migrate Custom Fields Data from ACF to Meta Box Plugin

How to Migrate Custom Fields Data from ACF to Meta Box Plugin

If you are willing to change from ACF to Meta Box, how can you move all the custom fields data? Not only you but many others care about this matter. Therefore, recently Meta Box has released a new free extension called MB ACF Migration. This extension helps users migrate custom fields data from ACF to Meta Box with ONLY ONE CLICK. In this post, I will show you how to do that at the drop of a hat.

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How to Test a Plugin's Performance and Security

How to Test a Plugin's Performance and Security

Plugins can bring many advantages to your WordPress website. However, you should consider carefully before using one because it may contain viruses and malicious codes. They also may affect your website loading speed/performance. To check if a plugin has an issue, especially for a newly launched plugin, you can use various useful tools and follow the steps below.

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Top Plugins for Gutenberg in 2021 - the most comprehensive review

Top 7 Plugins to Add Extra Blocks for Gutenberg [2021]

As you may all know, Gutenberg is now not just a WordPress editor. Recently, WordPress has the ambition of making Gutenberg also a page builder, a useful tool to build up a WordPress website. Following this tendency, web developers have created numerous plugins, added many blocks, layouts, settings,... to satisfy the demands of developers and website owners. Using these plugins along with themes made for Gutenberg will definitely help users and developers create websites, landing pages, or any page as well as publish posts at ease.

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gumroad vs fastspring

Gumroad vs. FastSpring: Which E-commerce Platform is Best for Selling WordPress Plugins?

It's no secret that we used Gumroad to sell Meta Box extensions and then switched to FastSpring a few months ago. Both e-commerce platforms are great and easy to integrate with WordPress. There are some pros and cons of each platform that might be suitable in different cases, which I'm going to reveal in this post.

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A Comprehensive Review of Top 4 Translation Plugins

A Comprehensive Review of Top 4 Translation Plugins

A multilingual website may help people run their business more successfully and reach more customers from all over the world. To create a multilingual website and reach that target, the common choice is using a translation plugin to save time and effort. But there’re many plugins out there so choosing the suitable one seems to be not easy. Among them, the most popular choices are the freemium plugins: Polylang, TranslatePress, Weglot; and the premium one: WPML.

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Review Top 5+ Cache Plugins to Speed Up Your Website Speed

Review Top 5+ Cache Plugins to Speed Up Your Website Speed

When users visit a website, loading speed may be one of the most important things that they care about. It directly affects the user experience and their decision to stay or leave the website. Therefore, webmasters always try to speed up their sites. There are many methods to do it, and using cache plugins is one of them.

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How to Show Reviews on SERPs using Schema

How to Show Reviews on SERPs using Schema

Have you ever searched for a product and found a five-star-rating below the product on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)? Such star-ratings not only impress users but also create authenticity for the products. If you want to display your site’s ratings on the SERPs too, keep reading this article to learn about the fastest and most accurate way to show this by using Schema plugins.

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How to Bundle Meta Box into another Plugin to Create Custom Fields

How to Bundle Meta Box into Another Plugin to Create Custom Fields

If you want to use Meta Box to create custom fields or a settings page without installing it, there is another way that is bundling it into another plugin.

You may wonder why we need to do it. It’s because when you create a website for clients, it may be a good idea to hide information such as the used plugins. This time, bundling Meta Box into another plugin will be an effective way.

Let's see how to do it.

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