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Image Optimization In WordPress Beginner Guide & Plugins Review

Image Optimization In WordPress: Beginner Guide & Plugins Review

We are all aware of the fact that WordPress is not so well-known for speed. One should put some effort to boost the performance of a WordPress site. One of the most popular ways to do so is to optimize images in WordPress. According to research, your website has only 7 seconds to grab the visitors’ attention. If got, there is a chance that he will be the recurring visitor. If not, he might not visit the site ever again! In this article, I’ll show you the benefits of image optimization and how one can speed up a WordPress site just by optimizing images.

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Best WordPress Contact Form Plugins

Best WordPress Contact Form Plugins

Are you looking to add a contact form on your WordPress site? Not sure which one of the thousands of WordPress contact form plugins to use? If you’re running a WordPress website, contact form plugins can prove to be very useful when it comes to addressing that particular concern. WordPress contact forms make it much simpler and easier for your customers to get in touch with you, and creating one isn’t that hard either. With WordPress, all you’re going to need is a suitable plugin. In this article, we’ll be looking at eight of the very best contact form plugins available for WordPress.

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Meta Box AIO Now Includes Free Extensions

Meta Box AIO Now Includes Free Extensions

We released Meta Box AIO two years ago with a single purpose: to help you to install Meta Box extensions easier without bloating your plugin list. Until today, the plugin included only premium extensions. That means you still need to install the free extensions from .org separately. Well, it's not very convenient and sometimes confusing. But it's changed with version 1.7.0 which has just been released today. From now on, you are able to enable free extensions on the plugin settings page, just like premium extensions.

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Introducing Beaver Themer Conditional Logic Integration

Introducing Beaver Themer Conditional Logic Integration

Beaver Themer has an amazing feature called Conditional Logic which allows you to control the visibility of rows, columns and modules on the front end based on some conditions. For example, you can hide a row for hero area if a post doesn't have featured image. With the new version of Meta Box - Beaver Themer Integrator, you're now able to show or hide rows, columns or modules when a Meta Box's field has a specific value.

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Best WordPress Security Plugins For Your Website

Best WordPress Security Plugins For Your Website

WordPress is the most popular and widely used blogging platform. It is used by millions of people around the globe. Because of this reason, hackers and spammers are also taking keen interest in breaking the security of the blogs. That’s why it’s important to think about security in advance. A reliable hosting service is the first thing you should ensure for your site. As an additional layer of protection, consider the following security plugins we’re rolled out for you. The list has some of the best security plugins for WordPress that are being used by users of WordPress to keep their site secure.

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How to Speed up WordPress with Redis Caching

How to Speed up WordPress with Redis Caching

How to speed up WordPress using Redis cache is such a simple thing. Redis is an in-memory database that can be used as a data store or cache. Redis presents itself as an ideal solution to speeding up WordPress and any other software which supports Redis cache. In this article, we’re going to show you how to set up WordPress caching with Redis on a Linux VPS.

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How to disable Gutenberg without using plugins

How To Disable Gutenberg Without Using Plugins

Although Gutenberg is the default editor in WordPress, not everyone wants to use it because of the bad editing experience. And Gutenberg loads CSS files and lots of inline styles on the front end, which will affect your website loading speed. This article will guide you on how to disable Gutenberg with a simple code without using plugins.

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