Meta Box Lite
Meta Box

Helper Function Now Works for Term Meta, User Meta and Settings Page

We've just released new versions for Meta Box, MB Term Meta, MB User Meta and MB Settings Page. In these releases, we've made the helper function work for all of them. This helps reducing troubles for developers when retrieving meta values from our premium extensions.

We've been working for the last week on this feature. The major update is the introduction of the storage interface, an arbitrary layer between the plugin and the meta storage in WordPress. This interface helps getting / setting meta values without changing much in the code. This method allows us to extend the code from the core plugin to our premium extensions to get meta value easier.

The problem of getting meta value for terms, settings page or user profile has been there for a while. While using the core plugin, users are benefited much from the helper function. Because it provides a convenient way to retrieve meta value without the need of understanding how they stored. If you use a complex field like file or image, the helper function helps a lot.

But premium users don't have that benefit until now. With the new versions, premium users can just use the helper function to get meta value for terms, user profile or settings page. Here is an example that gets term meta value:

$field_id = 'intro';
$term_id = 10;
$meta = rwmb_meta( $field_id, array( 'object_type' => 'term' ), $term_id );
echo $meta;

The details are written in the documentation of each extension.

We hope this improvement will make your life easier. We're planning to consolidate all these extensions, making them working with the same codebase. We'll keep you posted then!

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