How to Add Custom Fields to Display Banners using Meta Box Plugin

How to Add Custom Fields to Display Banners using Meta Box Plugin

Are you getting stuck on placing a banner on all pages of the website as well as customizing the size, title, image, ... on the banner? Don’t worry, this can be done easily by creating a settings page on the back end, and then add some custom fields. Each custom field is a parameter to customize the banner. After that, just use a shortcode to display the banner on the page you want.

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How to Bundle Meta Box into another Plugin to Create Custom Fields

How to Bundle Meta Box into Another Plugin to Create Custom Fields

If you want to use Meta Box to create custom fields or a settings page without installing it, there is another way that is bundling it into another plugin.

You may wonder why we need to do it. It’s because when you create a website for clients, it may be a good idea to hide information such as the used plugins. This time, bundling Meta Box into another plugin will be an effective way.

Let's see how to do it.

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How To Change The Rss Content Using Custom Fields

How to Change the RSS Content Using Custom Fields

As you know, RSS is an XML file to store all the data of articles on your website. It helps to keep track of the changes in the website content. If your products or posts have a lot of information added from custom fields, this information won't automatically be updated in the RSS feed. To include them into the RSS feed, you need to perform some operations.

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Configure Homepage Using Mb Views

Configure Homepage Using MB Views

Regularly updating the homepage brings fresh content and helps impress website visitors easier. However, it may take time and effort to change its content. You definitely can avoid it with the help of custom fields created with Meta Box and MB Views. Let’s say goodbye to the hassle of coding in theme's files!

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How to Add Custom Fields to Yoast SEO Meta Tags

How to Add Custom Fields to Yoast SEO Meta Tags

Normally, when you use Yoast SEO on your site, there will be a section to fill in the title, and description that helps search engines index them easier. You can fill in static content or dynamic content in these sections. But in some cases, you may want to get content not only from those default fields but from custom fields. So, how to add content from custom fields created with Meta Box to Yoast SEO meta tags, just follow these practices.

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How To Add Icon To Title Of Custom Fields Created With Meta Box Plugin

How to Add Icon to Title of Custom Fields Created with Meta Box plugin

Sometimes you may want to embellish the fields, or have some signatures for them. There is not only a way to do that such as adjusting size, space, color, … but also adding icons into their title. Instead of using only text for the meta box’s title or field name, we can use icons for addition or alternative. Let’s dive in to explore the process of adding icons to the title in detail.

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How to Style Meta Box’s Custom Fields With CSS

How to Style Meta Box’s Custom Fields With CSS

Meta Box's custom fields have a default padding, color, border, font, etc. which may not fit your design in either back end or front end. So you may want to change how they display, making them more eye-catching. That's the moment you want to style them.

So do the custom fields created by Meta Box. You definitely can style every custom field created by Meta Box as you want. In this post, I will give you some ways to use CSS to style the fields.

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How to add and configure custom fields using Meta Box Builder

How to Add and Configure Custom Fields Using Meta Box Builder

One of the powerful features that help developers add more functions to a WordPress website is Custom Fields. Though most of us don’t use custom fields in an independent way, this is still a significant platform for digging deeper into WordPress.

For developers and WordPress newbies to easier work with custom fields, Meta Box has developed an extension called Meta Box Builder.

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