Meta Box Lite
Meta Box


List of interesting tutorials on searching and filtering posts by fields, taxonomies. Then display them on the listings page using Meta Box and page builders.

How To Filter Posts By Taxonomy In The Admin Dashboard

How to Filter Posts by Taxonomy in the Admin Dashboard

Managing content on WordPress can become overwhelming as the number of posts grows, whether they are regular blog posts or part of a specific custom post type. Even with taxonomies to categorize posts, searching through large volumes of content remains challenging, especially when you need to find specific information within a particular post.

Therefore, filtering posts is essential to easily find a certain group of content. Since posts are often categorized by taxonomies, we can filter posts based on these terms right in the backend, making the search process faster and more efficient.

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How To Show Upcoming Events P5 Using Meta Box And Breakdance

How to Show Upcoming Events - P5 - Using Meta Box and Breakdance

When our team redesigned a website for a client in the entertainment industry, I noticed that highlighting upcoming events is a good way to boost engagement. Displaying all the events is an easy task, but someone may not know how to filter them by date. So, after researching, I’ve written a series on using custom fields with Meta Box combination with various page builders to do it.

This tutorial is about doing it with Breakdance.

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How to Create a Simple Listing - P3 - Using Meta Box and Breakdance

How to Create a Simple Listing - P3 - Using Meta Box and Breakdance

Next to the previous tutorial on the seriescreating a simple listing’ using Meta Box and page builders, we’re going to find out a new way to do it with Breakdance. We use custom fields and taxonomies created by Meta Box to display information about products on an archive page and filter them as well.

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