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The Best White Hat SEO Tactics in 2020

Best White Hat SEO Tactics

There have been massive changes in the game called SEO. Some hit some webmasters pretty badly while boosting others, resulting in some massive shifts in SERPs.

And while there still are some who use illicit techniques to boost their ranking, slowly but surely, white hat SEO tactics and methods are becoming the safest investment for both short and long-term growth.

So What Has Changed In SEO?

Once considered to be the slow way to the top, white hat techniques are slowly but surely becoming the best way to increase your site’s ranking.

The many changes and updates made to search engines in the past year have made them more adept at catching and sanctioning illegal behavior, which means less spammy and scammy sites in your search results.

Black hat techniques are not as simple to implement as they once were, meaning they are not as cost-efficient, which is good - as this is a big step in moving towards creating a level playing field for everyone.

Here are some of the bigger changes made to SEO:

  • Mobile Indexing Comes First For New Domains

That’s right. Google announced that as of May this year, all new domains will be indexed by default for mobile-first approach. Meaning, sites should provide 100% of the content to both desktop and mobile users if they want to get indexed.

  • SERP’s Diversification

In June this year, Google rolled out the Site Diversity Update which, put simply, guarantees more source website diversity on the first page. You won’t get more than two listings from one website.

  • Improved Content Presentation

As of January, Google has started to present some of the content of other sites right on the top of the search results. Why? Well, when the search engine finds data that is relevant to your search, it presents the most important bits of it. Content and data structure are more important than ever.

There have been many other changes that have left their mark, but the above three are considered to be the game-changers for this year.

With that said, let’s go through the best white hat methods that can make a big difference in 2020.

The Best White Hat SEO Tactics

There are lots of white tactics out there but the ones we’ll mention and explain here are considered to be the most promising and show the best results.

The Best White Hat SEO Tactics 2019

A Focus on Mobile

Let’s be honest here. Much of the surfing and browsing is done with smartphones, and if you haven’t already updated your site to be more mobile-friendly, your ranking will be lower. Why? Google tends to rate mobile-friendly sites higher.

Creating a mobile-friendly site is not that hard nowadays, and there are also a few apps that can help you test your site and suggest improvements.

High-Quality User Experience (UX) Is Crucial

An aspect that is becoming more and more important, due to the rising importance of bounce rates. A better UX means that a user won’t just leave your site immediately after visiting - they’ll stick around and check out more content.

A good UX build is something that requires a lot of work and research, as it covers almost every aspect of a site. Thankfully, there are a lot of guides on how to make a good UX, and the folks over at Google have even made one themselves.

If you are more confident with entrusting your website's UX design to more experienced professionals, consider hiring one of the top UX agencies on this list.

Appropriate Link Building

No links, no love. That’s how it is in SEO. If you want your site to rank higher, you will need links from authoritative sources added to your posts. You only need to keep in mind that there is a fine line between ‘enough’ and ‘too much, which is also a factor that can decide if this is a white hat or a black hat style link building.

Many go with Private Blog Networks (PBN), which is a gray hat method. This method involves creating a web of networks that will all link to your main site, and boost its rating. Although not illegal, this method is still risky. If you want to give PBNs a try, we suggest you also employ a good PBN hosting service, whose PBN hosting services will ensure there won’t be a trace that can lead Google’s search engine to discover your PBN.

SEO solutions

Increased Social Media Outreach

Social media platforms can hugely influence your site’s ranking. Getting your content in front of the massive audiences of Facebook and Twitter is paramount for the success of your online enterprise.

First, you find your audience, or better said, the audience with the highest chance of being interested in what you’re selling. Play nice with all who want to promote your content, and also be kind to return the favor when asked. Don’t be one of those people that writes to others only when you need help. Business partnerships are not just contracts. You also need to have good relationships with others. Creating good relationships with your audience and presenting your brand online the right way might be challenging sometimes. Getting help from a trusted branding agency is always a good option.

Good Keyword Research <=> Good Content

Keywords are not just words put here and there in order to satisfy a certain standard. They were in the past, but today keywords are a combination of words and phrases that are used in a certain niche. Good keyword research will give you a good direction in which you should design and create your content. Simply said, the better the research, the more keywords you will have, and the more you use them (in a relevant way), and the better your content is, the higher your site will rank.

Final Words

These tactics will not make your site #1, but they can help you set the foundation for long-term success. There is no shortcut to the first page on Google that is also sustainable in the long term.

While the rules and ethics of SEO change frequently, white hat SEO methods are what they are and will not change any time soon! What’s more, they are getting more and more effective - they’re the foundation for sustainable business growth. That's why most SEOs prefer completing periodic SEO courses online to improve their knowledge and strategies on a continual basis.

5 Most Common WordPress Security Issues and How to Solve Them

5 Most Common WordPress Security Issues and How to Solve Them

With a market share of over 60%, WordPress is undoubtedly the world’s most popular content management system. Its popularity is not without reason - it has an easy setup, wide customization options, and a very active tech ecosystem and community. But with this popularity comes security risks - WordPress is one of the most popular targets for hackers.

Continue reading "5 Most Common WordPress Security Issues and How to Solve Them"

How to Create Dynamic Favicon in WordPress Using Meta Box

Create Dynamic Favicon in WordPress using Meta Box plugin

Do you recognize those tiny symbols that appear in your browser next to the website name? The favicon is that. The small icon helps to attract and create a memorable image of the brand in the user’s mind. It is typically 16 and 16 pixels in size and is kept in a file called in the server's root folder. But, in some other cases, you may want to highlight your products or any page by setting other specific favicons for each of them. Then, using the Meta Box plugin along with editing the theme a little bit will help you get it.

Continue reading "Create Dynamic Favicon in WordPress using Meta Box plugin"

Key Ways To Improve Your Website Design For Better Conversions

Key Ways To Improve Your Website Design For Better Conversions

Having a website for your business is one of the best marketing strategies you can apply. After all, in the World Wide Web, your opportunities are limitless. The world is at the tip of your fingers, and this is an audience that you shouldn't miss.

However, if you feel like your website currently isn't performing as well as it should, that could be a problem. Not only do you cease to be relevant and useful, but you're wasting resources as well. In this situation, you should consider re-evaluating your website design and making the necessary changes.

Continue reading "Key Ways To Improve Your Website Design For Better Conversions"

A Few Facts to Review While Choosing a Website for Shopping

A Few Facts to Review While Choosing a Website for Shopping

Nowadays more and more people choose to shop for things online websites instead of going to brick-and-mortar stores. Online businesses are growing with the increasing popularity of online shopping. However, the growth of cybercrimes with this revolution is not hidden from anyone. Even famous eCommerce like Amazon fails to apart their consumers from cybercrimes. Consumers should proceed with caution for shopping on such websites, as scammers are looking to steal the customers' data and payment card details. Despite having the prominent security measures, e-commerce and their users are becoming victims of cybercrimes.

If you're running an e-commerce site or online advertisement, you eager to know which are the primary features of a website that allure customers to shop from? So, here's a breakdown of a few features that every consumer wants from e-commerce.

Continue reading "A Few Facts to Review While Choosing a Website for Shopping"

Meta Box 5.0.0 Released - PHP 5.3+, Auto Updates & Ready For Gutenberg Blocks

Meta Box 5.0.0 Released - PHP 5.3+, Auto Updates & Ready For Gutenberg Blocks

To increase the compatibility and easily develop new extensions for Meta Box, we have implemented the major version 5.0.0. This version has a number of major changes and may not be backward compatible. In case you see any problem, please let us know or roll back to an older version.

Continue reading "Meta Box 5.0.0 Released - PHP 5.3+, Auto Updates & Ready For Gutenberg Blocks"

How to Create a Custom Post Type using Code or Plugin

How to Create a Custom Post Type in WordPress Using Code or Plugin?

As you know, by default, WordPress comes with two post types: page and post. If you want a more variety of suitable post types to choose from, e.g., a post type for products, you have to create them yourself. Such post types are called Custom Post Types.

In this post, I am going to share with you two ways to create custom post types in WordPress. One uses codes, one uses plugins. Of course, the way using plugin seems like easier because of touching no code.

Let’s see how to do it.

Create Custom Post Types Using Code

Manually register a new custom post type

We need to hook to the init action to let WordPress register post type. We need the code below in the theme’s function.php:

function prefix_create_custom_post_type() {
    $args = array();
    register_post_type( 'post-type-slug' , $args );
add_action( 'init', 'create_custom_post_type' );

Inside the prefix_create_custom_post_type() function is the register_post_type() the function which serves the purpose of creating a custom post type with parameters declared with $args.

Add parameters for your custom post type

There are many arguments that can be passed to $args and things can get quite complicated. For that reason, make sure to know what you need in order to choose sufficient arguments. To understand the WordPress register_post_type function paramerters, click here.

In this post, I have just created a simple custom post type, so I am using some basic parameters and arguments. Once you’ve clearly marked out what you want, proceed below.

With the same code structure as the one in the 1st step, but I use two additional parameters which are $labels and $supports. Furthermore, I am going to declare the $args with more details.

  • The $labels parameter is insignificant, you don’t have to pay too much attention to it. But, it will help you recognize the post type in the admin area.
  • The $supports parameter is used for declaring that the post type is supported with title, editor, excerpt, featured image, etc.
  • The $args parameter is used for including all the above arrays and some other important arguments as well.

You may learn more about the argument and its expression here.

function prefix_create_custom_post_type() {
     * The $labels describes how the post type appears.
    $labels = array(
        'name'          => 'Products', // Plural name
        'singular_name' => 'Product'   // Singular name

     * The $supports parameter describes what the post type supports
    $supports = array(
        'title',        // Post title
        'editor',       // Post content
        'excerpt',      // Allows short description
        'author',       // Allows showing and choosing author
        'thumbnail',    // Allows feature images
        'comments',     // Enables comments
        'trackbacks',   // Supports trackbacks
        'revisions',    // Shows autosaved version of the posts
        'custom-fields' // Supports by custom fields

     * The $args parameter holds important parameters for the custom post type
    $args = array(
        'labels'              => $labels,
        'description'         => 'Post type post product', // Description
        'supports'            => $supports,
        'taxonomies'          => array( 'category', 'post_tag' ), // Allowed taxonomies
        'hierarchical'        => false, // Allows hierarchical categorization, if set to false, the Custom Post Type will behave like Post, else it will behave like Page
        'public'              => true,  // Makes the post type public
        'show_ui'             => true,  // Displays an interface for this post type
        'show_in_menu'        => true,  // Displays in the Admin Menu (the left panel)
        'show_in_nav_menus'   => true,  // Displays in Appearance -> Menus
        'show_in_admin_bar'   => true,  // Displays in the black admin bar
        'menu_position'       => 5,     // The position number in the left menu
        'menu_icon'           => true,  // The URL for the icon used for this post type
        'can_export'          => true,  // Allows content export using Tools -> Export
        'has_archive'         => true,  // Enables post type archive (by month, date, or year)
        'exclude_from_search' => false, // Excludes posts of this type in the front-end search result page if set to true, include them if set to false
        'publicly_queryable'  => true,  // Allows queries to be performed on the front-end part if set to true
        'capability_type'     => 'post' // Allows read, edit, delete like “Post”

    register_post_type('product', $args); //Create a post type with the slug is ‘product’ and arguments in $args.
add_action('init', 'prefix_create_custom_post_type');

Save that then go back to the admin dashboard. You will get something like this:

WordPress Custom Post Type menu
Custom post type menu in WordPress admin

A new menu named Product has appeared in the left panel. This is your created custom post type.

When you hover the mouse on this Product tab, you will see the options: All Products to show all the posts in Product type, Add new to add a new post in Product type, etc. Those are the same with two default post types, post, and page.

Custom post type submenus in WordPress admin

So now, you have finished creating your custom post type using code only. Go next and try a plugin to do it.

Create Custom Post Type using MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies plugin

I am going to use the MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies plugin to create a new post type. This is an extension of the Meta Box Plugin. If you are not familiar with the Meta Box, read this post.

Before getting started

We need to install and activate MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies. It's free and you can download them directly from Just go to your Dashboard > Plugins > Add New and search for "mb custom post types".

After installing and activating these above two plugins, a new menu will appear in the left panel. Select the Post Types submenu of that.

a new menu named Meta Box will appear to create a new post type

Create a new post type

Click the New Post Type button.

WordPress register post type
Register a new post type

You'll see a board of information will appear. Fill in the singular, plural name, and the slug is auto-generated (you can change the slug as you want).

Enter post type details

I’ve made a new post type with the name is Featured Products, the slug is featured-product. Pay attention that this slug will be used later to get the data in the front-end.

Next, you can modify the label of your post type in the Label tab if you want. All the options, just like the slug, are auto-created based on your post type's name you've just entered.

Set up the label for your post type

If you want to add more advanced information for your post type, press the Advanced tab then a new board with dozens of fields appears to edit.

If you want to add more advanced information for your post type, press the Advanced tab

Here are some options you may need:

  • Public queryable: choose it to allow getting the taxonomy’s data and display it on the website
  • Hierarchical: choose it to make the post type hierarchical - it means you can have a parent post type and its sub-post types inside
  • Show UI: tick to show the post type as the menu in the left menu in the Dashboard
  • Show in menu: tick to show the post type here:

tick to show the post type in the menu here

  • Show in nav menu: tick to show the post type here

tick to show the post type in the admin menu here

  • REST API base slug: enter REST API base slug to get the data of the post type via API if you need

Look at the Supports area. Choose the features which you want the post type to have. This part is the same as the step of declaring the $supports parameter when you create post types using the code.

Choose the features which you want the post type to have.

In the Taxonomies tab, choose the taxonomies for this post type. If you create any custom post types, they will also appear here for you to select.

Bonus: We have a tutorial for creating custom taxonomies here.

In the Taxonomies tab, choose the taxonomies for this post type

Step 3: Save and check

When you finished setting up your custom post type, press the Publish button. Then, click the Get PHP code and the code of this post type appear immediately right below there. That is the automatically generated code for your custom post type. It is the same with the code when you did it manually.

click the Get PHP code and the code of this post type appear immediately right below there

Note that you can put the code in the functions.php file and then deactivate the MB Custom Post Type plugin. That means you can use it just like a code generator. Deactivating it might help your website runs a little bit faster.

And now, you can see the result in the admin area:

New post type in the WordPress admin menu
New post type in the WordPress admin menu

A new menu named Featured Products is now showing in the admin menu.

Is it easy and work for you? With the second method, it may be much easier, especially if you are not a developer.

Bonus: Recently, we launched a free tool called Custom Post Type Generator. It helps you generate code to register custom post types in WordPress so much more quickly and easily.

Final words

I hope that the above two methods will be useful for you when you want to create any custom post type. The code may be the barrier to contain you if you are not tech-savvy and take more time even you are a developer. So, give plugins a try. Save your time, save your efforts, and be free!

In case you need more instruction or just want to share another way to create custom post types, leave us some comments. Enjoy it!


How to Easily Add Custom Taxonomy Using Codes and Plugins in WordPress

WordPress users must be familiar with the concept of content type classification using Categories or Tags. These things also are called Taxonomy. So what is Taxonomy? Simply, it gives you various options for classifying new content types. This article will introduce you to the process of creating a custom taxonomy that stores additional custom content types without mixing them with Categories or Tags.

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