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Meta Box


Meta Box and Gutenberg Compatibility

Meta Box is Now Compatible with Gutenberg

It's almost a year since Gutenberg was born. There was a lot of concerns about this editor, especially the compatibility with meta boxes. We have an in-depth article on this topic half a year ago. Since then, Gutenberg has significant changes and in this article, we want to update the compatibility between Meta Box and Gutenberg so that users are safe using Meta Box in the future.

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Which is Best for Blogging

WordPress vs. Ghost - Which is Best for Blogging?

The list of blogging platforms is quite long. And, it is increasing rapidly. But, everyone wants to work with the best one out of this long list. The main war is Wix vs WordPress but Ghost is smashing into the game like a rocket. In this post, the battle is between WordPress and Ghost. WordPress has expanded its usability to become a true content management system (CMS). Apart from blogging, it has started powering websites, e-commerce businesses and multiple online solutions. Having roots within the WordPress community, Ghost has emerged as a great competitor of WordPress.

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Best Practices for Organizing and Simplifying Meta Box Code

Best Practices for Organizing and Simplifying Meta Box Code

When responding to people’s questions about Meta Box and custom fields, I found a lot of senior developers have been integrated Meta Box into their websites deeply. They’ve made the code for meta box registration easier to understand, and organized it very well. In this article, I would like to give some suggestions on how to optimize the code to make meta boxes and custom fields declaration more streamlined and simpler.

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How to use TablePress with Meta Box

How to Use TablePress with Meta Box in Page Templates

TablePress is a powerful plugin for WordPress that allows you to create and manage tables. It has a nice UI and works similar to Excel. Tables can contain any type of data, even formulas. It features sorting, pagination, filtering, and more. However, TablePress only supports inserting the tables into posts, pages via shortcode, which makes it less flexible if you want to display the tables elsewhere. In this post, we'll show you how to use Meta Box to create a custom field for TablePress and display the selected table in a custom location in your page templates.

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Introducing MB Relationships

Introducing MB Relationships - A FREE WordPress Plugin to Create Posts to Posts Relationships

Creating relationships from posts to posts is a common question for WordPress developers. Previously, you can do that with the post field type in Meta Box. But that's not really the true solution, because you hardly create bi-directional relationships. Besides, querying by custom fields is not recommended.

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