It's been almost a month since our last update announcement post. There are a lot of new and important improvements in Meta Box and extensions. Let's find out below.

Meta Box 4.15.5

Since beginning August, we have released 4 versions of Meta Box: from 4.15.2 to 4.15.5. The biggest improvement in these versions is the optimization for fields post, taxonomy, taxonomy_advanced, user that reduces the number of queries. Especially when those fields are cloneable, the number of queries is significantly decreased.

We also removed extra query for premium extensions when using helper functions. And fixed some bugs for switch, OpenStreetMap and other files.

For details, please see the changelog.

Resolved topics on the forum

We updated the forum to add resolved status to topics. It simply means the problem in the topics are resolved. However, the topics won’t be closed anymore and users still continue discussing on the topic.

This change might help other people join the discussion later if they have the same problem. Or if there’s any update about the problem that need to discuss.

More developer tutorials

We've been working on developer tutorials on our Blog. The content is created from developer's point of view. So, it provides in-depth knowledge to custom fields and meta boxes. We hope to lighten some aspects that (we think) developers should know.

Currently, we have finished our first series - Custom Fields. Check it out!

Meta Box Builder 2.9.0 - Enter choice options easier

On this version, we changed the way to enter options for choice fields: select, select_advanced, radio, and checkbox_list. The options are changed to a textarea, which allows you to enter the values faster. You can also copy and paste values from another place.

See how it works in this video:

Moreover, the new field OpenStreetMap is now available in the builder.

MB Frontend Submission 1.4.0 - Added attributes for post title, post content labels

In the previous update of MB User Profile, we added some attributes to shortcodes that allows users to change labels of default fields such as Username and Password.

This is very helpful as it allows users to change the labels without overwriting the templates. So we brought it to MB Frontend Submission. With this update, you don't need to copy the plugin template file to your theme to just change the label of Post Title. You can simply set the text in the shortcode attribute! That's simple! See the documentation for details.

MB User Profile 1.1.1 - Continue edit after submitting the form

This version added a simple thing: after users submitted the form (for editing their profile), they'll see a confirmation message with the form again. So they can continue edit their information if needed. This feature was requested in our support forum. And we just did it.

Meta Box AIO 1.6.2 - Dashboard widget and better settings page

We refined the settings page, making it look cleaner. There are filters for extensions that help users select extensions faster.

We also added a dashboard widget that shows latest news and tutorials from You can turn it off in the settings page if you want.

Meta Box AIO settings page
Meta Box AIO settings page

Please note that Meta Box AIO is available only in Developer and Lifetime Bundles.

That's all for now. If you want to receive the latest news about our products, please subscribe to our newsletter.

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