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How to Create a Video Gallery Page - P7 - Using Meta Box and Kadence

Ready to beautify your website with a stunning video gallery? In today's practice, we're going to find out how to do it with Meta Box and Kadence.

This is my example.

A video gallery created with Meta Box and Kadence

Video Version

Before Getting Started

The page is an archive page with a list of videos. Each video is kept in a post of a custom post type.

The information of the video is also the default information from the post, even the short description, author, or date. Just the videos are saved in a custom field.

So, we need the Meta Box core plugin to have a framework that allows creating a custom post type and a custom field for videos. You can download it directly from

Besides, we need some Meta Box’s extensions for advanced features:

  • MB Custom Post Type: to create a custom post type for videos;
  • MB Builder: to have a UI on the back end to create a custom field to store the video URL.

You can download and install each extension individually or use the Meta Box AIO which has all the Meta Box extensions.

Finally, I have Kadence with its pro version to have some extra types of blocks to flexibly display the information.

Create a New Post Type

Go to Meta Box > Post Types to create a new post type for the videos.

Create a new post type for the videos

Since I want to show the author information for each video, go to the Supports tab, and check the Author box to enable the author feature for the posts.

Check the box to enable the author feature

After publishing, you will see a new menu displayed. It's your post type.

A new menu display in the dashboard

Create a Custom Field

Move to Meta Box > Custom Fields > Add New to create a new field group.

Move to Meta Box > Custom Fields > Add New to create a new field group.

In this practice, the related information of the video is the default supported by WordPress. So, I use only one custom field to save the video. Also, instead of uploading the video, I use a URL from another place. However, I won’t use the URL field. The oEmbed field will be the best choice in this case because Kadence can display the video preview directly from the link saved in this field type.

Choose the oEmbed field to save the video’s link

After creating the field, in the Settings tab, choose Location as the Post type, and select Video to apply these fields to it.

Set location to apply the field to the Video post type

Now, you’ll see the created custom field in the post editor.

The created custom field in the post editor

Pay attention to the Author box. This section is available since we set it to enable the author feature for the Video post type when creating it.

The Author box is available since we set it to enable the author feature for the Video post type.

Let's add some information and some videos as well.

Now, let’s move on to the next step.

Create a Query Card for the Video

To get information about each video from posts, you should create a query card first. This is a new feature of the Advanced Query Loop from Kadence. It allows us to define the template for individual posts within the loop.

Go to Kadence Blocks > All Query Cards and create a new one.

Go to Kadence Blocks > All Query Cards and create a new query card

After choosing the wanted layout for the card, you will see some default blog posts displayed.

After choosing the wanted layout for the card, some default blog posts display.

Go to the right sidebar, set the preview as the post type that we created.

Set the preview as the post type that we created

The preview will change, but please notice that it’s just changing in the preview, not querying any data.

The preview will change, not querying any data.

So now, you can remove some unnecessary blocks, and choose the suitable blocks to get the corresponding information.

First, to get the video preview, choose the Dynamic HTML block to have more options to customize the display of the video preview.

Choose the Dynamic HTML block to have more options to customize the display of the video preview

Then, set the HTML Content as Post Custom Field and select the field of the video.

Set the HTML Content as Post Custom Field and select the field of the video

Now, you can see the videos displayed immediately.

The videos display

For the additional information of the video, we style it into 2 columns like this:

2 columns of additional information of the video

So, add a Columns block, and choose the layout for it.

Add a Columns block and choose the layout for it

In the first column, add an Advanced Image block to display the author’s avatar. Instead of selecting any image, just enable dynamic image for this block.

Add an Advanced Image block to display the author’s avatar, just enable dynamic image for this block

Click on the button as the image below shown, and choose the Author Image from the dropdown list.

Choose the Author Image from the dropdown list

After that, you will see the author's avatar appear.

The author's avatar appears.

Move to the second column, choose a Section block to cover all the rest information. Next, add a Text Advanced block to get the name of the video stored in the title of the post.

Choose a Section block to cover all the rest information and a Text Advanced block to get the name of the video

Now, enable dynamic content, and choose the Post Title option.

Enable dynamic content and choose the Post Title option

Next, choose the Author Name block. The name says it all!

Choose the Author Name block to get the names of the authors.

For the video’s description, choose the Dynamic HTML block again. Then, set the HTML Content as Post Excerpt.

For the video’s description, choose the Dynamic HTML block, then set the HTML Content as Post Excerpt.

And the last information is the published date, choose another Dynamic HTML block and connect it to the post date.

For the published date, choose the Dynamic HTML block and connect it to the post date.

That’s all the information in the videos that I want to show.

Now, we can change some parameters in each block to have a better look.

Change some parameters in each block to have a better look

Display the Video Gallery on the Page

It’s time to display the video gallery on the frontend.

Create a Page

First, go to Meta Box > Pages to create a new page as usual.

Go to Meta Box > Pages to create a new page

Add Query

We’ve regulated how the information displays in the Query Card, but haven’t stipulated where it will query from yet. So now, add the Advanced Query Loop block provided by Kadence, and create a new query.

Add the Advanced Query Loop block.

Create a new query

For the layout, I will do it later, so skip choosing any pre-made layout.

There’ll be a place to choose which post type we want to query from on the below screen. Choose the post type that we use for the videos.

Choose the post type that we use for the videos.

And, don’t forget to select the created card for the layout of each video display. Then, this loop will inherit its layout and styling.

Select the created card for the layout of each video display

Now, the page displays all the videos along with their information already. You can change the layout of the gallery by changing some settings.

Change the layout of the gallery by changing some settings

You also can use some CSS as well.

Use some CSS

Let’s see how they look on the page!

The final result of the video gallery

So, we've created the page for the video gallery.

Last Words

After reading our tutorial, you'll be able to effortlessly create your own video gallery page using Meta Box and Kadence. You can walk through this series to see some ways to work with other page builders. Furthermore, you may want to display an attractive video playlist on your sites as well.

Don’t hesitate to share your results with us in the comments. And, follow our channel to see more helpful tutorials!

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