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How to Create a Video Gallery Page - P5 - Using MB Views

If you don’t want to use any page builder, you can use MB Views from Meta Box to create a video gallery page.

This is an example for the video gallery page created with MB Views:

example for the video gallery page created with MB Views

Video Version

Before Getting Started

The page shows a list of videos with some additional information. Each video’s information will be saved in a single post of a custom post type. In particular, the information about the video such as title, description, and author is the default information of the post. For videos, instead of uploading them to the website which makes the site heavy, I’ll use videos on Youtube then store those links in a custom field and display the videos from them.

Since we need custom post type and custom field, we install Meta Box core plugin to have a framework to create them. It’s free and available on

For advanced features, we also need some Meta Box extensions as follow:

  • MB Custom Post Type: to create a custom post type for videos;
  • MB Builder: to have an intuitive UI to create custom fields in the backend;
  • MB Views: helps us create the template for the video gallery page.

You can install these extensions individually or use Meta Box AIO to have all of them.

Create a New Custom Post Type

Go to the Meta Box > Post Types > New Post Type to create a new custom post type for videos.

Go to the Meta Box > Post Types > New Post Type to create a new custom post type for videos

When creating the post type, we have the Supports tab which provides some features to add to your post type. In this case, we’ll display the author’s information on the page, so check the Author box.

check author box in supports tab to display the author’s information

After publishing, you will see your new post type in the Admin Dashboard.

the created custom postype displayed

Create Custom Fields

Go to Meta Box > Custom Fields > Add New to create a new field group.

Go to Meta Box > Custom Fields > Add New to create a new field group

In this practice, I just display some basic information of the video such as title, author, content, date supported by WordPress by default. As mentioned, I use only one custom field to save the URL of the videos. We should use the oEmbed field for it. It allows the MB Views to render the video preview from the URL directly.

use the oEmbed field to render the video preview from the URL directly

Then go to the Settings tab, set Location as Post Type, and select Video to apply the created field to it.

go to the Settings tab, set Location as Post Type, and select Video to apply the created field to it

After publishing, you will see the created custom field in the post editor.

the created custom field in the post editor

Since we have checked the Author box when creating the post type in the Supports tab, we have the section to choose the author for the post.

author section to choose the author for the post

Let’s move on to the next step.

Create the Page

First of all, create a new page for the video gallery. Move to Pages > Add New as usual.

Pages > Add New to create a new page for the video gallery

To create the template for this page, go to Views in Meta Box and create a new one.

go to Views in Meta Box to create the template for the page

In the Template tab, just add some code or insert field from the list on the right sidebar to get and display information.

add some code or insert field from the list on the right sidebar to get and display information

First, add the Post title field to display the page's title.

add the Post title field to display the page's title

Next, for the section that displays the video’s information, add this code.

for the section that displays the video’s information, add this code

{% set args = { post_type: 'video', posts_per_page: 9 } %}
{% set posts = mb.get_posts( args ) %}
{% for post in posts %}

{% endfor %}

In there:

  • {% set args = { post_type: 'video', posts_per_page: 9 } %}: is to declare that we’ll get posts from the post type that has the slug as video with 9 posts per page;
  • mb.get_posts(): this function is to get posts;
  • {% for post in posts %}: this loop helps to list the posts.

Then, just add some fields from the list on the right sidebar into the loop to display video’s information.

First, choose the Video Oembed to display the video preview.

choose the Video Oembed to display the video preview

There will be two options to output data. Since we want to display the video preview, choose the first one.

choose the first output data in settings to display video preview from URL

To get and display the author’s information including avatar and name, we will use the mb.get_user() function with the following code:

{% set author = mb.get_user( post.post_author ) %}

use the code with the function to get and display the author’s information including avatar and name

Now, to display the video’s information, just insert the corresponding fields.

In the right sidebar, go to the User tab, set Post author, and choose the User avatar field.

go to the User tab, set Post author, and choose the User avatar field to get author's avatar

Choose the Post title for the video title in the Post tab.

Choose the Post title for the video title

Go back to the User tab, choose the User first name.

choose the User first name

Then insert the Post content field.

insert the Post content field

Finally, choose the Post date.

choose the Post date

That’s all the information that we want to display for the video.

Go down to the Settings section of the view, choose the Location as Page and choose the Video Gallery that is the name of the page we have created.

Go down to the Settings section of the view, choose the Location as Page and choose the Video Gallery

Go to the page on the frontend, you’ll see the video displayed.

the video displayed on the frontend

Style the Page

To style the page, go back to the edit Template in the Views.

Before styling, we should add some div tags and classes for each information of the video.

add some div tags and classes for each information of the video

Next go to the CSS tab of the view, add some code to style the template.

go to the CSS tab of the view, add some code to style the template

I uploaded all of these codes on Github, so you can refer to it for more details.

Now, go back to the page on the frontend, you’ll see a new look of the page.

the new look of the video gallery page

Last Words

With MB Views, it’s a convenient and quick way to create a video gallery page anywhere on your site no matter what theme or builders you are using. Let’s try and enjoy it. If you want to suggest any tutorials, feel free to leave a comment and keep track of our blog. Thanks for reading!

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