Every time I need to display dynamic, personalized data for users, I think about how to make everything clear and relevant to the right person.
For example, I’ll display sales representative information of who is responsible for the current user, I mean client, who has logged in to their account already. Each client has their own sales representative, so different clients logged in to their account will see different sales information. This can be super useful to help your client reach out to the account manager easier.
In this tutorial, we’ll achieve it with Meta Box. In the same way, we can design any kind of personalized content following this way.
Video Version
Before Getting Started
Each client or customer already has their own account. They can log in and look at personalized content that is designated for each one of them separately. In this case, the information of the sales representative, also known as the account manager, is that kind of designated content.
The sales information will be saved in custom fields and posts of a custom post type. Then, we will set a relationship between sales and client accounts.
Let’s take a look at the necessary tools and detailed steps to do it!
First, we need the Meta Box plugin to have a framework to create a custom post type, custom fields, and relationships. You can download it directly from wordpress.org.
Also, you may need some advanced features from some extensions of Meta Box. So, you can install them separately or use Meta Box AIO to get everything bundled together.
Here are the extensions you might need:
- MB Admin Columns: to display columns in the dashboard for clients and sales representatives, making it easier to manage and view relationships;
B Custom Post Type: to create a custom post type for the Sales Reps; - MB Relationships: to create a relationship between the Sales Reps and the users;
- MB Builder: to have a UI on the back end to create custom fields to save the details of the Sales Rep visually. It also provides the UI to create the relationship in an intuitive way;
- MB Views: to create a view to display dynamic, specific data for users if you don’t want to add code directly to the theme.
Now, let’s go step by step.
Create a Custom Post Type
Go to Meta Box > Post Types to create a new custom post type specifically for the sales representatives. This will help us manage each Sales Rep’s information separately and more effectively within a single post editor.
After publishing, you’ll see the created custom post type in the admin dashboard.
Create Custom Fields for the SalesReps
Instead of inputting all the information about each sales representative into the post content, we should use custom fields to store them. Then, we can style each one easier.
Now, go to Meta Box > Custom Fields, and just add fields one by one corresponding to the kind of content.
You absolutely can add additional fields for any related details as you want.
Once creating all the fields, move to the Settings tab, set the Location as Post type, and select the SalesRep to apply the fields to it.
Now, in any post editor, you will see the custom fields displayed.
Just input content there.
Below are some posts I have created and filled out information about. I mean, each post also is a sales representative. And I want to assign them to clients.
Create the Relationship
When a client, also a user, logs in, they can view detailed information about the sales representative assigned to them. As I mentioned earlier, we need to create a connection between the User and the SalesRep using the relationship feature in Meta Box.
So, go to Meta Box > Relationships to create the relationships between two of these objects.
We have the From and To sections with the same structure of settings. Because Meta Box supports bi-directional relationships, these two sections are just for two separate objects to connect; the order will not matter.
In this case, I set the SalesRep in the From section, and the rest is the User.
Starting with the From section, set the Object Type as Post because we're working with the SalesRep post type.
In the Post type option, choose the post type you want to create a relationship. In this case, SalesRep.
Pay heed to the Show as an admin column box. It’s available when you activate the MB Admin Columns extension. When you check this option, there’ll be a column in the dashboard to show which users are related to the post of a SalesRep. This makes it easier to see the connection between each Sales Rep and their assigned users directly from the backend.
In the Field tab, you can set the label for the relationship section that appears in the post editor.
Therefore, there will be a box in the right sidebar with the label we named, allowing you to choose which user is related to the current post.
In the Max items section, I set the number to 1 so that you can select just one user. However, in a real scenario, you can enter the number you want to adjust the number of users selected.
Continuing the To section in the same way. Set the Object type as User because it’s time for the User. And other settings are similar to what we did with the From section.
That’s all to set the relationship.
After publishing, go to any user profile or a post editor; you can see a corresponding section like this:
You can fill in the information from either the user profile or the post editor. Since the relationship is bidirectional, whichever option you choose to link the SalesRep, the corresponding field will automatically be updated on the other side as well.
As you can see in the below image, the related information is shown as admin columns:
Display Sales Rep Information for Current User
As mentioned earlier, I’m providing two methods to display the Sales Rep information for the current user, both achieving the same result. Each method involves using code.
I still show both these ways, and then you can experiment yourself to decide which one works best for you.
Method 1: Using MB Views
Start by navigating to Meta Box > Views, and create a new view for displaying the Sales Rep information.
In the Template tab, we can insert some lines of code.
{% if mb.is_user_logged_in %} {% set salesrep_related = { relationship: { id: 'salesrep-to-user', to: user.ID }, nopaging: true, post_type: 'salesrep' } %} {% set salesreps = mb.get_posts(salesrep_related) %} {% for salesrep in salesreps %} <div class="mb-container"> <div class="mb-content"> <div class="mb-your-sale">Your Sales Representative</div> <div class="mb-title-sale">{{ salesrep.post_title }}</div> <img src="{{ mb.get_the_post_thumbnail_url(salesrep.ID) }}" alt="{{ salesrep.post_title }}" /> <div class="mb-phone"><b>Phone Number</b>: {{ salesrep.phone }}</div> <div class="mb-email"><b>Email</b>: {{ salesrep.email }}</div> <div class="mb-experience"><b>Years of experience</b>: {{ salesrep.years_of_experience }}</div> <div class="mb-language"><b>Language</b>: {{ salesrep.language.label }}</div> <div class="mb-motto"><b>Working Motto</b>: {{ salesrep.working_motto }}</div> </div> </div> {% endfor %} {% endif %}
Let’s go through it in detail!
Check User Login & Retrieve Sales Rep Data
{% if mb.is_user_logged_in %}
This is to check whether the current user is logged in or not. If they are, the following code will be executed. It also means that only the one logged in to their account can see the sales representative.
{% set salesrep_related = { relationship: { id: 'salesrep-to-user', to: user.ID }, nopaging: true, post_type: 'salesrep' } %}
The salesrep_related
variable is used to query only posts that are input to the relationship that has the ID - salesrep-to-user
, also for the current user only. These posts absolutely should belong to a specific post type. In this case, salesrep
{% set salesreps = mb.get_posts(salesrep_related) %}
This is to get the list of matching posts and save it to the salesreps
Display SalesRep Information
These lines of code are used to display the Sales Rep’s information.
{% for salesrep in salesreps %} <div class="mb-container"> <div class="mb-content"> <div class="mb-your-sale">Your Sales Representative</div> <div class="mb-title-sale">{{ salesrep.post_title }}</div> <img src="{{ mb.get_the_post_thumbnail_url(salesrep.ID) }}" alt="{{ salesrep.post_title }}" /> <div class="mb-phone"><b>Phone Number</b>: {{ salesrep.phone }}</div> <div class="mb-email"><b>Email</b>: {{ salesrep.email }}</div> <div class="mb-experience"><b>Years of experience</b>: {{ salesrep.years_of_experience }}</div> <div class="mb-language"><b>Language</b>: {{ salesrep.language.label }}</div> <div class="mb-motto"><b>Working Motto</b>: {{ salesrep.working_motto }}</div> </div> </div>
If there is more than one sales representative who takes care of the current client, this loop below processes them one by one and displays them all.
{% for salesrep in salesreps %}
Particularly, these are basic information stored in usual posts, such as the Sales Rep's name from the post title and their avatar from the post thumbnail.
<div class="mb-title-sale">{{ salesrep.post_title }}</div> <img src="{{ mb.get_the_post_thumbnail_url(salesrep.ID) }}" alt="{{ salesrep.post_title }}" />
Also, these are to get the extra information saved in Meta Box custom fields.
<div class="mb-phone"><b>Phone Number</b>: {{ salesrep.phone }}</div> <div class="mb-email"><b>Email</b>: {{ salesrep.email }}</div> <div class="mb-experience"><b>Years of experience</b>: {{ salesrep.years_of_experience }}</div> <div class="mb-language"><b>Language</b>: {{ salesrep.language.label }}</div> <div class="mb-motto"><b>Working Motto</b>: {{ salesrep.working_motto }}</div>
They are phone, email, years of experience, language, and working moto. phone
, email
, years_of_experience
, language
, and working_motto
are the corresponding IDs of each custom field.
Now, just move to the Settings section of the view, set the Type as Singular, choose the Location as the post type where you want the SalesRep information to display.
As well, you can choose a suitable position for the data of the Sales Rep on the page.
All the Sales Rep information will be displayed. However, some additional styling is required to enhance its visual appeal.
Back to the view editor, in the CSS tab, add some code for styling.
.mb-container { background: #e7e7e7; text-align: center; } .mb-content { padding: 20px 50px; } .mb-your-sale { font-weight: bold; font-size: 30px; } .mb-title-sale{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 25px; color: #bb2c2c; margin-bottom:15px; } .mb-container img { width: 100%; } .mb-phone { padding-top:20px; } .mb-language, .mb-email, .mb-experience, .mb-phone, .mb-motto { font-size: 20px; margin-top: 5px; text-align: left; }
Now, let's check the frontend to see the final result! The Sales Rep information looks great. When logging in with a different account, the corresponding Sales Rep who is assigned to that user will be displayed.
Let’s move on to another approach!
Method 2: Using PHP
Go to your theme’s file, then add the following code.
function your_sales_representative(){ $connected = new WP_Query( [ 'relationship' => [ 'id' => 'salesrep-to-user', 'to' => get_current_user_id(), ], ] ); $html =''; while ( $connected->have_posts() ) : $connected->the_post(); $id_salesrep = get_the_ID(); $html .= '<div class="mb-container"> <div class="mb-content"> <div class="mb-your-sale">Your Sales Representative</div> <div class="mb-title-sale">'. get_the_title() .'</div> <img src=" '. get_the_post_thumbnail_url($id_salesrep).'" /> <div class="mb-phone"><b>Phone Number</b>: '.rwmb_meta( 'phone', $id_salesrep ) .'</div> <div class="mb-email"><b>Email</b>: '.rwmb_meta( 'email', $id_salesrep ) .'</div> <div class="mb-experience"><b>Years of experience</b>: '.rwmb_meta( 'years_of_experience', $id_salesrep ) .'</div> <div class="mb-language"><b>Language</b>: '.rwmb_meta( 'language', $id_salesrep ) .'</div> <div class="mb-motto"><b>Working Motto</b>: '.rwmb_meta( 'working_motto', $id_salesrep ) .'</div> </div> </div>'; endwhile; return $html; } add_shortcode( 'your_sales_rep', 'your_sales_representative' );
Let’s take a closer look at it:
Create a new Function to Handle Everything
function your_sales_representative(){}
This function is used for displaying the Sales Rep information assigned to the current user.
Query to Get SalesRep
This query is to get posts of the SalesRep post type that are related to the currently logged-in user using the relationship.
$connected = new WP_Query( [ 'relationship' => [ 'id' => 'salesrep-to-user', 'to' => get_current_user_id(), ], ] );
In there:
: the ID of the created relationship.$id_salesrep = get_the_ID();
: to query only data connected to the current user.
I create an empty variable, $html ='';
, to store the output data for the Sales Rep, which will be built up next.
while ( $connected->have_posts() ) : $connected->the_post();
This loop goes through each Sales Rep post returned by the above query.
$id_salesrep = get_the_ID();
This is to get the ID of the current post.
Display SalesRep Information
$html .= '<div class="mb-container"> <div class="mb-content"> <div class="mb-your-sale">Your Sales Representative</div> <div class="mb-title-sale">'. get_the_title() .'</div> <img src=" '. get_the_post_thumbnail_url($id_salesrep).'" /> <div class="mb-phone"><b>Phone Number</b>: '.rwmb_meta( 'phone', $id_salesrep ) .'</div> <div class="mb-email"><b>Email</b>: '.rwmb_meta( 'email', $id_salesrep ) .'</div> <div class="mb-experience"><b>Years of experience</b>: '.rwmb_meta( 'years_of_experience', $id_salesrep ) .'</div> <div class="mb-language"><b>Language</b>: '.rwmb_meta( 'language', $id_salesrep ) .'</div> <div class="mb-motto"><b>Working Motto</b>: '.rwmb_meta( 'working_motto', $id_salesrep ) .'</div> </div>
These lines of code follow the HTML structure as well and display the sales representative's information linked to the current user. It’s quite the same with the code we used in the MB Views, but use the rwmb_meta
function to get data from custom fields created with Meta Box.
We also use IDs of the fields as we did before, and salesrep
is the slug of the custom post type where we saved the sales information.
Create a Shortcode
Finally, create a shortcode to display the Sales Rep information anywhere when the user is logged in.
add_shortcode( 'your_sales_rep', 'your_sales_representative' );
Now, go to the desired page and add a Shortcode block.
Then, input the created shortcode in the box.
So, you can see all the information of a Sales Rep display.
Also, we’ll add CSS to style this section.
I’ve uploaded all lines of code to GitHub, so feel free to refer to them.
Now, on the frontend, let's see the final result! The Sales Rep looks great already! When logging in with a different account, the Sales Rep specifically assigned to that user will be displayed.
So, it works the same with the first method with MB Views. Now, just choose the one that feels better to you.
Last Words
With Meta Box, creating dynamic, personalized content is not only straightforward but also incredibly versatile. Whether it’s for account managers, sales representatives, or other types of data, the possibilities are endless.
If you’re interested in exploring more about relationships and dynamic content, check out this guide on displaying related posts based on shared relationships with Meta Box.
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