WordCamp Asia 2025
Meta Box

How to Create a Recipe - P2 - Using Meta Box and Oxygen

Creating an impressive, eye-catching recipe is essential for culinary website owners. There are many ways to create a beautiful one. In the first part, we used only Meta Box, which allows us to create custom post types and custom fields, to do it.

If you use page builders, then follow this post or the articles in this series. And now, let’s see how to create a recipe with Meta Box and Oxygen.

Example of a Recipe

Video Version

Before Getting Started

In this tutorial, all of the information about the recipe will be saved in posts of a custom post type. The recipe’s name and the dish picture are the title and the featured image of the post. Besides, the remaining detailed information will be saved in the custom fields.

The necessary tools are listed below:

First, we need the Meta Box core plugin to have the framework for creating custom post type and custom fields. It’s free and you can download it directly from wordpress.org.

To have advanced features of Meta Box, we need some its extensions:

You can download and install each extension individually or use the Meta Box AIO which includes all the Meta Box extensions.

The last one is Oxygen. You should use the 3.9 version or higher which has the native integration with Meta Box already.

Step 1: Create a Custom Post Type

Go to Meta Box > Post Types > Add New to create a new post type for the recipe.

Create a Custom Post Type

Step 2: Create Custom Fields

Move to Meta Box > Custom Fields, then create fields as you want.

Create Custom Fields

Here are the fields I use for this practice:

Field group created

Pay attention to the video information. Normally, we use the URL field to save links, but if you use it, Oxygen will display the link in text format only. Then, we must take a few more steps to convert the link into the video preview.

However, Meta Box has the oEmbed fields that allow you to save the link and display it as the video preview on the frontend directly. So, we’ll use it for more convenience.

Create oEmbed fields to save the link and display it as the video preview on the frontend

Next, move to the Settings tab > Location > choose Post Type as Recipes to apply these fields to this post type.

Set location for Recipe post type

Back to the post editor, you will see all of the newly created custom fields.

Newly created custom fields

Step 3: Create a Template with Oxygen

Go to the Oxygen menu and create a new template.

In the settings of the template, select a design that you want the template to inherit from, then choose your post type in the Singular section to apply the template to it.

Select the wanted design for the template to be inherited from.

Now, create a new post in that post type. You’ll see that the template is already rendered for this product page already.

 The template is rendered for this product page

After filling in the information for the recipe, let’s edit the template with Oxygen.

First, select a Section component to contain all of the recipe information.

Select a Section

To get the recipe’s name, which is the title of the post, add a Heading component. Then, connect it to the post title to get data.

Add a Heading component and connect it to the post title to get data.

In the first section, I’ll divide the content into 2 columns like this:

Divide the content into 2 columns

So, add a Column component. Then, there’ll be 2 div tags available inside it, equivalent to 2 columns. In the first div tag, add the Featured Image component to get the dish’s image.

Add a Column component and select Featured Image for the 1st Div tag

Move to the second column, which covers all the information about the completed time. I’ll add an extra div inside it. This div is for a row.

Add an extra div inside as for the row

Inside this div, add a Text component, and connect it to the field that saves the corresponding time information. Then, choose the Heading component and name it. Finally, style the row in your own way.

Add a Text component, and connect it to the field that saves the corresponding time information

Then, you can duplicate the div which is used for the first row to have more rows. Then, change the names and fields.

Duplicate the div and change the name and fields

For the rest section, we create another div in the Section component. Inside this div, choose the Heading component and name it, e.g. Ingredients. Also, add the Text component, then connect it to the corresponding field which saves the information about the ingredients, instructions, note, nutrition, equipment.

For the video information, there is a difference. Replace the Text component by the Video.

To display that data, I'll add a Video component. Then, just change the link by inserting the dynamic data from the oEmbed field that we use to save the video’s link.

Add a Video component to display data

We’ve finished getting all of the recipe information. Back to the frontend, you see all of them are already displayed.

Back to the frontend, everything is well displayed

Step 4: Style the Page

Back to the page editor with Oxygen, choose each component, and change the settings to style them.

I’ll style the time section for example. To save time of styling, I’ll use a class for 4 rows to make them have the same look. Name the class for each one like this.

Use a class to style for 4 rows to safe time

Style a row as you want, then these 4 rows will change the style at once.

Go to the recipe page on the frontend, you’ll see the new look.

Result after styling

Last Words

We have finished creating a recipe page with Meta Box and Oxygen. As you can see, with custom fields, you can easily save extra information about the recipe and display it in a more beautiful style. Let’s try and share the result with us in the comments.

Don’t forget to follow our channel to see other ways to have useful recipes!

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