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How to Create a Video Gallery Page - P6 - Using Meta Box and Zion

Do you want to display your video list on your page? In this series, I will show you how to create a video gallery page with the page builders. In today's practice, we're going to find out how to do it with Meta Box and Zion.

This is the final look of the video gallery page.

an example of video gallery page was built by Meta Box and Zion

Let’s do it step by step.

Video Version

Before Getting Started

The page is an archive page with a video list and their information. Each video’s information is kept in a single post of a custom post type.

In this tutorial, I use only 1 custom field to store the URL of the video instead of uploading the video on the website to avoid bloating the site. Then, display a video on the front end from the URL using Zion. You obviously can also add more custom fields to save extra information about the video.

So, we need the Meta Box core plugin to have a framework that allows creating custom post types and custom fields. It is available on

Besides, we need some Meta Box’s extensions for advanced features:

You can download and install each extension individually or use the Meta Box AIO which has all the Meta Box extensions.

The last one is Zion Builder and its Pro Version to build the video gallery page.

Create a New Custom Post Type

Go to Meta Box > Post Types > Add New to create a new post type for the videos.

Go to Meta Box, Post Types, Add New to create a new post type for the videos

Pay attention to the Supports tab when creating the post type. I want to display the author’s information on the gallery page, so check the box to enable the author feature.

check the Author box in the Supports tab to display the author’s information on the gallery page

After publishing, you can see a new menu, it’s your post type.

the created custom post type displayed

Create Custom Fields

Move to Meta Box > Custom Fields > Add New to create a new field group.

Move to Meta Box, Custom Fields, Add New to create a new field group

As I mentioned before, I’ll create only one custom field to store the video URL. To display the video preview on the page, I highly recommend you use the oEmbed field instead of the URL field.

you should use the oEmbed field instead of the URL field to display the video preview on the page

After creating the field, go to the Settings tab, choose the Location as Post type, and select Video to apply the custom field to this post type.

go to the Settings tab, choose the Location as Post type, and select Video to apply the custom field to this post type

Now, you’ll see the created custom field in the post editor.

the created custom field in the post editor

Pay attention to the Author box. This section is available since we set it to enable the author feature for the Video post type when creating it.

the Author box is available in post editor since we set it to enable the author feature for the Videos post type when creating it

Now let’s move on to the next steps.

Create the Page

Go to Pages > Add News to create a new page for the video gallery, as usual.

Go to Pages, Add News to create a new page for the video gallery

Fill information and then remember to click on the area next to the title to disable the page title. We’ll get and display it by Zion later for more flexibility in styling.

Fill information and then remember to click on the area next to the title to disable the page title. We’ll get and display it by Zion later for more flexibility in styling

Now, edit the page with Zion Builder.

First, add the Section element to cover all the content of the page.

add the Section element to cover all the content of the page

add the Section element to cover all the content of the page

Then, add the Heading element inside to get the page title.

add the Heading element inside to get the page title

And, add dynamic data from the Post title to it.

add dynamic data from the Post title to the Heading element

To divide the videos into 3 columns, add a Column element.

add a Column element to divide the videos into 3 columns

Set the Query

Inside the Column, add a Container element to cover the post.

Inside the Column, add a Container element to cover the post

In the Advanced tab of the Container, enable the Repeater Provider to display all the posts from the wanted post type.

In the Advanced tab of the Container, enable the Repeater Provider to display all the posts from the wanted post type

Next, set the Query type as Query builder and Post type as Videos to query all the posts from this post type.

set the Query type as Query builder

set the Post type as Videos to query all the posts from this post type

Remember to enable the Repeater Consumer to display all the posts in the chosen post type.

enable the Repeater Consumer to display all the posts in the chosen post type

You will see nothing displayed now since we didn’t get any information from the video. So let’s add some elements to show them.

Display Video Information

Inside Container, for the video preview, add a Text element.

Inside Container, for the video preview, add a Text element

Since the video URL is saved in a custom field created by Meta Box, use the dynamic data option, and look for the Meta Box Field option.

Since the video URL is saved in a custom field created by Meta Box, use the dynamic data option, and look for the Meta Box Field option

Then choose the Video Oembed field from the list. You will see the video preview immediately.

choose the Video Oembed field from the list then the video preview immediately

Next, add some Column elements to set the layout for the rest of the video information.

add some Column elements to set the layout for the rest of the video information

One column is to display the avatar of the author, and the other one will display other information about the video.

One column is to display the avatar of the author, and the other one will display other information about the video

In the first column, to get the author’s avatar, add an Image element. Then, also add dynamic data to it, and choose the Author Profile Image option. The picture of the author will be displayed immediately.

to get the author’s avatar, add an Image element and add dynamic data to it, choose the Author Profile Image option

In the second column, add a Heading element for the video title. Also add dynamic data for it from the Post title.

add a Heading element for the video title. Also add dynamic data for it from the Post title

Add a Text element then choose Author info from dynamic data to get the name of the author.

Add a Text element then choose Author info from dynamic data to get the name of the author

For the description and date of the video, do likewise, just choose the right field from the list.

For the description and date of the video, do likewise, and choose the right field from the list

You will see how it displays on the front end.

the video gallery page on the frontend

Style the Page

Go back to edit the page with Zion, you can change the settings of each element to get a new look of the page.

You also can add some CSS for further styling.

You can add some CSS for further styling.

This is the final result of the video gallery page that I want.

the final result of the video gallery page

Last Words

Hopefully, you can create your own video gallery page with Meta Box and Zion easily after reading our tutorial. Don’t hesitate to share your results with us in the comments. And, follow our channel to see more helpful tutorials!

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